35: Home

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"You got a minute?" I glance over at Adonis and nod, shaking out my nerves that I seem unable to get a hold of

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"You got a minute?" I glance over at Adonis and nod, shaking out my nerves that I seem unable to get a hold of. I follow him out of the barn and into the winter chill. "Sorry I know you have big plans and want to wrap up stuff for Quinn before he gets home tonight, but I really need to talk to ya."

It's been a week since the wedding. Adonis and Georgie have stayed for a little while longer just for me. I needed them, especially Georgie.

I shove my hands in my coat pockets, huffing out a breath in an effort from keeping my nose from falling off. "It's not problem. I have time."

Adonis leans against the white railing, looking out at all the rolling hills that are now covered in powdery snow. It's the type that's loose, not that kind that's good for packing into a snowball to chuck at someone.

Nick tried and failed.

He's been a little off his game since Rach left. I can't imagine what it's like to have her one minute and gone the next. It must kill him.

My brother let's out a long breath, a puff of heat become a cloud. "I have some news and I wanted to run it by you first."

My face tenses, excitement stretching across my cheeks as a wide smile spreads. "Am I going to be an uncle?"

Adonis chuckles. "Nah, man, not yet, but we are trying. She's nervous with her episodes and all, but she really wants to start a family. She has that baby fever and I'm not going to lie, I do too."

"Well better make it quick then," I say. "I'm dying to be an uncle. So, what's up?"

I turn, crossing my arms, my back leaning against the rails as my brother stares at me. "This place, it's peaceful and good for you."

I knew this was coming. He's in his own way asking what my plans are, if I'm staying. "Look, Adonis-"

He holds up his hand. "I'm not done."

I nod, confused but keep my mouth shut.

"I know your not going back to Sunny Valley and I think that's a good thing. You belong here. I knew it the day I came to see you here for the first time." He pauses, his gaze going back to the nature surrounding us, the quiet sounds echoing in the calmness. "But I can't sacrifice any more time away from you."

My brows knit at that. "What do you mean?"

Adonis leans against the railing next to me, crossing his arms, our stances so similar. "I missed out on a lot with you and I hate it. Our relationship has suffered because I made bad choices, but this time I'm not going to."

"I don't-"

"After talking with Georgie, we both agreed that moving here is the best option for us."

I still, shocked and unable to formulate a sentence. My brother, who's made a life in Sunny Valley and has friends, brothers, a wife who owns an art gallery, and a club he deeply cares about, is about to sacrifice all of that for me.

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