Chapter Eight

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(Kit's Pov)

It was later the next night when Kit attempted to attend night school. The first night she had stayed up waiting for the Avengers to return, and then hanging out with them afterwards. Luckily the drinks had not been restocked, meaning everyone was plenty sober to return to their own beds.

Right now Kit's mind couldn't care less about that now, instead focusing on changing forms and opening the door without Loki noticing. Given the smallest noise could wake him, as well as he could sense her magic, it was surprising she even made it to the door in human form.

Her hand gripped the handle, as she ever-so-slowly twisted it open. The nice thing about living in some fancy tower is that the doors were actually taken care of, meaning they didn't squeak when they were opened.

Once she made it to the hallway, it wasn't long until she found the library. With some helpful whispers from Jarvis, she even managed to work the elevator. She also managed to avoid the team, which was a plus.

"Welcome, Miss." Jarvis greeted when she entered, Kit instantly in shock from the sheer amount of books lining the room.

"Hello Jarvis." Kit replied, ignoring the books for now to find a comfortable seat to sit in. They dived into the lesson, as she devoured as much knowledge she could. Jarvis even started teaching her some party manners, in preparation for the coming weekend.

After a few hours, Kit found her eyes threatening to close and not open until the morning. Taking it as a sign to wrap it up, she started back towards Loki's room. She had left the door barely an inch open when she left, making it easier to hear if he was awake or not.

Luckily this time he wasn't. She quickly transformed into cat form and slipped in, tapping the door closed with a paw afterward. Kit found her cat bed to curl up in, as exhaustion overtook her, with her mind replaying the things she's learned.


(Loki's Pov)

The following morning Loki actually managed to sleep in until a reasonable hour, unusual for the past few weeks. Ever since Kit had arrived, it's been nothing but early mornings.

So when Loki awoke past 9am, it was a pleasant surprise. Enough that he had to make sure the kitten was indeed still here, sleeping calmly by the foot of his bed.


Nonetheless, the moment he moved to get out of bed, she awoke. Kit turned to glance at him, before sighing and turning back over for more rest. "You have a late night?" He chuckled when she huffed in reply. "I didn't mean to offend you."

Taking advantage of finally some quiet time, Loki did what Kit had denied him of every morning- reading and a morning tea.

However, it wasn't long until a certain brother of his came bargaining in. "Loki?" Thor called, peeking open the door.

"Yes?" He responded, his mask of annoyance settling into place. As much as he tried to be friendlier to the others and Thor, it was still difficult at times. Especially when they interrupted the silence- and his reading. "What do you want, Thor?"

"I was wondering if you've seen Kit this morning?" He asked, Kit's head peeking up when her name was called. "Ah, there you are." In a quick motion the cat was in his arms, being carried out of Loki's room.

"Where are you taking her?" Loki inquired, setting his book aside temporarily.

"You can't have her all to yourself, you know. The team wishes to see her." Of course they would want to see her, not even thinking if she wanted to see them. But she probably would, had she had the energy. "Why is she so tired?"

"I don't know." Loki shrugged, standing and taking her from his brother's arms. Thor glared, although both slightly amused and annoyed. "She's been this way all morning." Of course as he said this, Kit awoke and jumped from his arms. Her sudden energy seemed to ease any concerns they had for the moment, as all three of them headed down towards the team.


(Kit's Pov)

"Alright, is there anyone else we want to add to the guest list?" Tony announced later that day, when all the Avengers miraculously happened to be in the same room. "I've got the team, Loki, some friends for each of us, the folks at Shield..." He rattled off the people invited, which happened to be over a minute's worth. "Anyone else?"

"Anyone else and it would be half of New York attending." Clint joked, the team laughing along with him.

"So everyone's good with it?" He double checked, as Kit saw her chance dwindling. She needed her name on that list, or all her work would be for nothing. She hopped down from her perch on her little cat tree, trotting over and sitting at Tony's feet.

"I think she wants to come too." Steve said with a smile, and Stark added her name. If only for a joke- but she would be going. It was being held in the ballroom a few floors lower in the tower, meaning Kit would only have to work an elevator to attend.

"You're officially invited, Kit." Stark snickered at the patient cat, a slight look of shock crossing his face when she responded with a bob of the head. But he could've easily mistaken it for anything else, since she was already moving to head back to her perch anyways.


"Seems Loki's got a date." Natasha teased the prince, as he scoffed slightly annoyed. Of course they expected him to bring her, everyone else not nearly as much of cat people. The team laughed at his outrageous obligation, since it was just short of outrageous to bring a cat to a party. Not to mention Hydra was still after her, and a large gathering would be the perfect time to slip in.

But that wouldn't happen, especially if she was safe in the tower. Let alone with Loki.

It wouldn't. 

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