Chapter Thirty Seven

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(Kit's Pov)

Turns out, magical Jotun cuddles heal illness much faster than mortal medicines. Well, the last fleeting moments of illness, anyway.

By the following day, Kit's fever had broken, and she felt well enough to appear downstairs again. Much to the team's relief, and Loki's as well. Spotted by the team while cuddling Kit in Jotun form might be too much of a giveaway to their relationship.

So close to being fully healed, the others insisted on one more day of rest. Though she managed to convince them to allow her to stay downstairs with the others, albeit simply for a day of movies.

Very interesting movies- especially during the moments they thought she was asleep. They watched a range of movies with newer concepts, each Avenger choosing their pick. Well, those who could choose, anyway. Needless to say, Kit had heard quite some more of these 'forbidden words' than just 'crap' by now.

The longer she lived in their world, the more and more she learned. And, not necessarily even in a brand new way- sometimes it was rediscovering things Kit knew before; while other times she simply started to piece together facts on her own. Like violence- it's not that she didn't know it existed, rather, Kit had to understand how that aspect took place in society nowadays.

So when Natasha called upon Kit a few restful days later, it was almost surprising how blunt she was about the topic.

The... embarrassing topic. Kit managed to escape most of 'the talk' with Natasha, as such concepts weren't entirely foreign to her. Some things she had figured out enough on her own, although Nat made sure she knew enough for someone of her assuming age. The team had placed the kitten's age roughly from late teens to early twenties. Kit didn't understand why it mattered, although it seemed some things in this world are extremely age-intensive.

Like alcohol. Kit had absolutely no interest in drinking it, though it seemed like anyone over 21 did it nowadays.

"Uck." Kit muttered under her breath, as she shook off Natasha's words. Despite the awkwardness, Nat's insight on such sensitive matters had helped grow theories of her own. Helped define another area of emotions that arose- or had arisen. Like her heat...

Kit shook her head, trying to remove such thoughts. Her sickness the other week had been nothing more than that; having nothing to do with personal matters. Eventually she would have to face it again, though she desperately wished otherwise.

"Kit, I have a message for you." A voice spoke from the ceiling, bringing the Kitten back to reality. Jarvis continued to switch up her titles, seeming to only use the informal ones in private. As if dropping formalities would be against his programming.

Kit looked up, despite him having no body. "Yes?"

"You have a visitor in the living room."

A visitor?

Who could it be?


" I was just thinking-" A voice came from the living room as Kit rounded the corner, facing a small gathering of Avengers. "-Kit!"

Kit's ears perked up at the boy's voice. "Peter!" In one swift act, the kids collided in a hug. Completely ignoring Tony and Bruce standing there. The greeting ended just as quickly as it started. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, that's what I'm trying to explain." Peter looked up at the growing group of Avengers, as Loki and Clint joined those who were interrogating the spider-child. "We'll be back soon-"

"Look, Kid, it's not about that. If you can't tell us where you're going, then it's a no."

"But Mr. Stark, it's supposed to be a surprise!" Peter replied, "Just give us one- no, two hours." He held up his fingers, as if that would be a convincing factor. Kit looked between the two geniuses, becoming confused about what was going on.

Tony sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Who will be there?"

"Me, Ned, and MJ." Peter's face started to light up, as the back and forth continued on. The curiosity practically ate her up alive. Apparently, so much so Kit failed to notice a certain trickster walking up beside her. Sneaking an illusioned hand through her hair, as the simple comfort put a giddy smile on Kit's face.

"I give up! You win!" Tony threw his hands up all of a sudden, turning around dramatically. "Go have fun, be kids, whatever! Just don't be dumb, yeah?"

"We won't!" Peter shouted back, turning towards Kit with the largest smile spreading more and more across his face. He glanced up at Loki for a moment, before deciding to think nothing of their proximity. Smart child. "Do you want to go out?"

What? It seems her sudden confusion registered the implication of his words, as Peter balked to try and recuperate. "Wait- that came out wrong! MJ, Ned, and I planned a surprise outing for you in the city. We figured you might like some civilian time... unless you don't want to go, of course. Or if you don't like surprises-"

Kit laughed, effectively quieting the spiderling. "That sounds like fun!" Without missing a beat, she followed up with, "Can I bring someone?"

With a shrug from Peter, Kit turned to look up at her boyfriend. Well, secret boyfriend. A mischievous smirk growing across her features. "Do you want to go out?"

(A/N: Yes, I'm alive. Also yes, I sprained my knee. Also also yes, it's getting better. But here's some bedrest updates!(Next one out tomorrow!) Thanks for reading!)

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