Chapter Thirty

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(A/N: Thank you all for waiting the extra week, here's an extra long chapter! Thanks for reading!)

(Loki's Pov)

As they drove through the streets of New York City, Loki came to realise where they were going... wasn't to a mission site. Not even remotely. Usually they left for missions by jet, although it wasn't uncommon to leave like this- in trucks- either.

But never simply driving through the city.

So when they pulled up to a large building, he instantly recognised what was really going on. The banner kind of gave it away as well.

'Congratulations Avengers!'

"What is this?" He asked, suspicious of the team. They all released their suppressed grins, looking at both him and Kit.

"This is your graduation ceremony!" Stark snarked, "Loki, you are officially off of probation. And Kit," He turned towards her. "We convinced Shield to rework our agreement. The Avengers now work individually on case missions per their need. Which means we can pick and choose who is needed per mission."

"So I never have to go, unless I want to? I can stay here?" Kit perked up, her adorable cat ears following suit.

They nodded. "Yes! I will join!" Her smile and fit of laughter that followed made all of them smile. "Did you make all of this for us?" Kit grabbed Loki's hand, making him look down fondly. Even though she did it simply out of habit now, it still warmed his heart at the notion. Friendship, surely- he doubted she was even aware of the existence of real love.

"We did. Both of you, congratulations!" Thor boomed jovially, as the truck doors opened to reveal a mass of press. A single aisle stripped down the middle of them, wide enough to be out of arm's reach even if they really tried to reach the team.

The team. A year or two ago he would have practically hated this- such as when he was sent to Earth for probation- but now he practically welcomed it. It gave him protection from those who might try and keep him away, and the authority to come and go as he pleased. At least, that's how this new agreement sounded.

The team exited the van, heading towards the open doors. Still Kit did not drop his hand, until she suddenly realised how long she had been holding it. He hadn't been bothered, but she looked away as if he might've. Loki almost took it back to reassure her- before realising the press surrounding them. At times it felt as though he was simply stuck in a fishtank to be peered upon- but he knew how to handle it. Kit however, was a mix between shy waves and nervous smiles to anyone who asked.

He wanted to ask what was on her mind. It was obvious something serious, and at times he considered something about himself. She had started the conversation so oddly, he almost thought she didn't want to remain friends. But to not have their friendship... he might've just declined this chance at the Avengers altogether.

The moment they breached the doors, it nearly felt as though he was back in Asgard. With the detailed banners, the large arc above, and the multiple banquets lining the room.

Stark's party earlier in the year had been impressive, yes, but only as much as could be done in the tower. This was a ballroom meant for parties such as this. He even spotted what he thought were courtyard doors in the back.

"Reminds you of home?" Thor nudged him, bringing a small smile to his face.

"Yes, it does." He may have just been there, but there really was much to miss. Turning his attention away from memory lane, Loki looked for Kit- perhaps out of habit, or curiosity to finish their conversation. But instead of sticking by his side, he saw she and Natasha scurrying away towards the dance floor. She laughed the entire time over, and Loki found it hard to look away.

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