Chapter Fourteen

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(Kit's Pov)

The following days passed like any other week. The team had few missions, and even then not many of them were needed. As time moved on Kit came to dote on her auditorial accessories, as many of the team had too. Every time they passed her, whether intentional or by coincidence, she could see the smile they adopted.

Of course she did spend some time in her feline forms as well, finding entertainment in sneaking up and surprising the others when the opportunities presented themselves. Her favorite reaction was the time she caught Clint spying on Nat in the vents, scaring him so much he dropped into the living room.

The entire tower heard his screams... and apologies.

Today, however, is not a day of mischief. Not in the normal sense, anyways. As explained to her in as few words as possible, it was a day for 'love'. She still couldn't wrap her head around the concept, even though the only person to explain it yet was Jarvis.

It's Valentine's day.

"Avengers! Assemble in the gym, please!" The familiar voice of a certain billionaire called. It woke Kitten from her nap, as she looked around for the sound of the call. While she had become accustomed to Jarvis calling from the ceiling every so often, when the others used the interface it tended to spook her.

"Don't we get the holiday off??" Clint complained through the same speakers, before more grumbling could be heard.

"It's a surprise!"

This only earned him censored curses, as it seemed the entire team had made an effort to do so. Control their language, that is. Because whomever would be the first to cause Kit to curse and ruin her innocence would surely have hell to pay.


"Alright, what's going on?" Natasha questioned the bucket head, once all the Avengers had arrived. Kit and Loki as well, since curiosity would surely outweigh whatever activity he had hatched up.

"We are all making Valentine's day cards for our Valentines."

Groaning instantly erupted from the team.

"Wait! Before you object, realise Fury is making us do a team-building exercise today, and personally I think this is much better than six hours of obstacle courses." Tony paused through the team's silence, as they considered his words. Kit, however was paying them no mind, instead studying the strange colored paper and tools laid around different tables. It seemed Stark had actually put a lot of work into this activity.

While the team suffered in silent protest, Kit perked up. "What is... a Valentine?"

Bruce turned to her, looking relieved this was the activity Stark had cooked up. Compared to what he normally planned, the worst thing that could happen was significantly less so.

"It's someone you love, or want to love. You make crafts to give to them, when you're trying to confess your feelings of-"

"-Love?" Thor interrupted, looking like this was the best concept humans had invented. Loki... well, Loki looked less enthusiastic. As well as hiding what Kit could only deem as a flustered expression. He wouldn't meet her eyes, although perhaps he was simply preoccupied rolling them into the back of his skull. "This is the best thing Midgard has come up with yet!"

"Second to poptarts?" Loki raised a brow, teasing his brother.

"Fine, brother. Best holiday." Thor sighed, glancing at his sibling. But something seemed to catch his eye, and he smirked knowingly. Even against Loki's glares, Thor tested the waters. "Who will your Valentine be, brother?"

Loki nearly lost his mask covering what definitely was embarrassment. He scraped together enough of his senses to cover his stumble, settling on an expression of indifference. "I do not have one."

"That's too bad." An idea sparked behind the thunderer's eyes, as he turned his attention towards Kit. "Come Lady Kit, you can help me make these cards of Valentine!" Kitten laughed as she was pulled along, leaning on Thor from stumbling at his quick pace.

The others spread around the room, making anything from marshmallow catapults out of dried macaroni, to cards that didn't quite fit the Valentine's day theme. And through the chaos, Kit was passed around from person to person, being shown how to do the 'crafts' of Earth.

She never noticed the glances of suppressed jealousy Loki glared at the others. Or his looks of yearning when she belted out in laughter.

"So you twist the string before you weave them, and it keeps the string from fraying. Or falling apart." Clint explained, as he and Kit made bracelets. He had explained earlier how he made these all the time with his kids, and that giving valentine's gifts weren't always in a romantic sense. At this, a plan formed in Kit's mind, one that would surely make the rest of the team beam with joy.

It was about halfway through this plan she was interrupted. "Kit! I made you a gift." Natasha glided over, smirking naughtily. She had said her comment over all the commotion in the room, making sure certain people could hear her. One certain prince, actually. Seems she's taken a liking to Thor's game as well. "Can you change to your cat form really quick?"

Kit obliged, intrigued where this might be going. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.

And when Nat presented the pink, lacey collar, Kit was indeed satisfied. The letters 'Kitten' had been glued onto it, a tacky although cute design. Any other meanings of the accessory were lost to her, although it seemed the others understood through their stifled smirks and laughs. Much too many glances were given to Loki, who was across the room attempting very poorly not to pay attention. After a satisfied meow, Natasha clasped the collar around her neck.

And as if on cue, Kit jumped from the table she was sitting on, strolling over to look up at Loki. Her question was evident in her eyes alone.

"You look great, Kitten." Loki smiled, although acting annoyed at the others. Or perhaps he really was annoyed, although for what she couldn't pinpoint. "How about you turn back into your human form, though?"

Kit did so, shifting the size of the collar to still fit her new size. She gazed up at Loki, who had been glaring at Natasha and the now sniggering Stark. When her transformation finished, however, he moved his eyes to meet hers once more. With her cat ears and a collar, no less.

Before the silence between them became settled into almost an uncomfortable quiet, Kit turned to the one who gave her this in the first place, moving away to finish her plan as well. "Thank you, Nat!"

"You're welcome, Котя." Her smile towards Kit was joyous, although the moment she wasn't looking, a knowing smirk was shot towards Loki. Seemed he just couldn't escape the endless teasing.

And if he were honest, Loki didn't quite want to.

(A/N: Thank you @writergirl_lyla for the help on this chapter. :3 Partial concept credit is due. And thank you everyone else for the support, and thanks for reading!)

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