Trollstopia Ep 84: Swingin' Spectacular Part 1

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King Quincy and Queen Essence sleep in their bedroom at the Funky Castle.

Suddenly, a Snuggle-lug radio turns on and says, "You've got it tuned to K-O-L-D, K-Old, your all-oldies station. Here's a little something you may remember from the good old days."

The two Funk royalties slowly wake up as the radio plays Funk Soul Music Instrumental Playlist.

After King Quincy yawned, he said, "Good morning, E."

After rubbing her eyes, she responds, "Good morning, Q."

"I'm slugging it today."

"Me too, Q."

As the Royal Funk Couple slowly gets out of bed, they do some arm stretches while ambling to their washbasin.

"Man, the guys' get-together at the Groove Saloon in our city was wild. It made me tired to my Funky Bones," said King Quincy, cleansing his face with water.

Before Queen Essence could put on her makeup, she noticed wrinkles surrounding her eyes and said, "Oh my groove, Quincy! There are wrinkles around my eyes!"

"You think you're freaking out, Essence? I just found a string of grey hair in my beard. I think our time has come," he responds.

Their voices then shouted that it was so loud that the entire Vibe City heard them, "WE'RE GOING THROUGH OUR MIDLIFE CRISIS!!!"

Meanwhile, in the dining room, Cooper and Prince D enter it while the Funk Troll waiters arrive with platters of their breakfast.

Once they left it with them, the Funk Twins said, "Thank you."

"Hey, D. Did you hear anyone shouting midlife crisis this morning?" Cooper asks.

"Nah, C-man. But if it did happen, I hope it didn't come from our parents. They can both drama king and queen," Prince D responded.

When King Quincy and Queen Essence, yawning, came in and took their seats at the table, Cooper said, "Good morning, Mom and Dad."

"Hi, Mama and Papa. Did you sleep well?" said Prince D.

"We slept like a bump on a log," said Queen Essence.

"Where's Wienarman?" King Quincy asks.

"He's coming, Papa. He just brings yours and Mama's pills," Prince D responded.

The Funk Twins then go near their parents before Wienarman, Prince D's mini potbelly black-white speckled piglet arrives with a tray of two giant pills.

"Oh, bubble soap, I hate the pills," said King Quincy, before Prince D shoves a pill in his mouth and Cooper puts the other one in Queen Essence's.

After the two swallowed their pills, Queen Essence took a deep breath and said, "Boys, do you think your father and I know...old?"

This shocked Prince D to stutter, "Um...Well...Age-wise, probably."

"Well, I do think you're old," said Cooper.


"What? It's okay. Parents are supposed to get old since you and I are in our 20s, bro."

"But we're still cool, right? It is Funk tradition for the King and Queen to be the coolest of them all," said King Quincy.

"Sure thing, Dad. I still think you and Mom are cool."

Then Prince D added, "Yeah, no matter what, you'll always be cool in my eyes. Even if you embarrass me in front of my Chill Bros. Now, let's all start eating. Remember, Mama and Papa. You and I have the Tribal Council Meeting in two hours."

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