Made Love

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Taehyung : what!

Y/N: beg for it if you want me. Get on your knees for me.

Taehyung :Y/N p-please

Y/N: please what? Tell me what are you asking for?

Taehyung felt insulted. This is not what he expected from her. She is full of surprises. It made him angry. A guy who never asked for anything, he got what he wanted have to beg now?

Y/N: Huh? How do you feel Tae? Maybe I am feeling the urge to touch you, to feel you but I am not out of my mind. I was about to loose my cool. Thank god I was able to pull myself together.

By saying those she made Taehyung want her more. He realised how much he is obsessed with her.

He grabbed her chin harshly.

Taehyung : I get what I want. I am controlling myself cause I am trying to be a better version of myself. But remember one day I will get you. One day I will not force myself to control and that day you won't be able to handle me.

Y/N thought he will get angry and force her. She will make him realise how wrost he is. But it never happened. He was so intimidating. Butterflies rushed in her stomach.

Taehyung left her and went to sleep.

Y/N:Atleast finish the coffee...

Taehyung sat up and drank the coffee.

Y/N: YAH! Drink slow! And stay Awake!

Taehyung :why?

Y/N: I-I am suffering. What to do?

Taehyung :......

Y/N: Do something.

Taehyung pressed his lips on hers.Y/N pushed him.

Taehyung : OK STOP. I Kim Taehyung begging to Y/N that-

Before he could finish Y/N pressed her lips against Taehyung

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Before he could finish Y/N pressed her lips against Taehyung. With that Taehyung kissed her back. He laid her down with his hands behind her head while pushing her against him to deepen the kiss. Meanwhile another hands traveling down her body.

Y/N couldn’t say anything all she could do is feeling his touch all over her body.

Taehyung moved his face near her ear and whispered,

Taehyung : I'm goanna take off your Top.

Y/N's eyes widened.

Taehyung slowly unbuttoned her shirt, leaving her in Bra. He made his lips contact with her skin.

Slowly but very passionately he started to suck on her neck.

Y/N's breath became heavy. She accidentally let out a soft grasping noise.

Taehyung smirked against skin. She was embarrassed. Somehow she managed to reach the TV remote and turn off the TV. Her hands travelled to reach the bed switch and turned off the lights.

Sweetheart |Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now