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Nora lands in Seattle early, deciding to skip her next flight and opting to drive to Forks instead. Driving will make the journey longer and give her time to suck up some of the nerves - whos she kidding, that won't work. She takes the keys from the rental checkout and grabs her bag, throwing it into the trunk. She sets her phone up and begins the drive, her heart in her throat.

It's January 4th and she's headed home, back to Forks and Charlie and her old life. It's been 4 months since she left and went to stay with her mom and Phil in Jacksonville but she couldn't stay gone forever. She misses Charlie, which feels odd to admit, and although talking to Bella almost everyday on the phone is nice, she wants to see her. Plus she has a niece to meet, now. Bella has been vague about the whole thing, like there's some big secret, but Nora never pushed. Bella always seems to have secrets.

As midday approaches, her phone rings. "Hey-"

"Where are you? You didn't get off the plane, what's happened, what-"

Nora laughs at her sisters rambling. "Chill, Bella, I'm fine. I decided to drive instead."

"Drive? Why? It would've been quicker to- you're avoiding him as long as you can't, aren't you." Bella tuts as she clicks. "I broke his legs for you, he won't hurt you again." Bella says serious, even though her sister doesn't believe it.

"Maybe..." Nora shrugs, giggling small. "I'm not that far away now, I'll be like an hour okay?"

"Fine... be safe okay?"

"Always." Nora hangs up the call and sighs. "I'm not ready for our bubble to burst..." She says out loud. "I want to keep you a secret forever but I know I can't."

There's a little flutter from inside her tummy and she giggles, looking down at the evident bump. "You giving me attitude already?" There's another gentle flutter in her tummy and she sighs, focusing on the road. "Give momma some of that attitude, I'm gonna need it." She mutters.

Her heart rate picks up, not slowing down at all, the nearer she gets to Forks. Just before she hits the junction for the town, she pulls into a gas station to freshen up - and, of course, waste time. But before long she's headed into town, driving through the familiar streets and heading to the familiar house. To her surprise, the cruiser isn't parked in the driveway but a shiny volvo is.

Nora parks up and smiles wide as Bella opens the door, grinning as she waits. She jogs down the steps as Nora climbs out, but instantly freezes when the door closes to reveal her sisters body. Nora straightens her jacket out and smiles nervously. "Surprise..."

Bella is so angry, so surprised, she can't move. Is this how Edward felt when they found out about Ness and he froze up? Her eyes scan her sisters body as the puzzle pieces slip into place very face. Her haircut isn't the only new thing... "He's dead."

Nora shakes her head quickly. "No no no please don't, I don't want him to know, I am gonna tell everyone it's someone else's and no one will know and-"

"He's dead!" Bella yells, disappearing.

Nora looks around, her heart racing as her eyes bulge. "Bella..? BELLA!!!" She yells, looking around. "BELLA!"

Bella slows her running, about a mile away, as she hears her sisters calls. "Shit." She mutters as she realises her actions. She just exposed herself. She rushes back, emerging from the trees as Nora backs up.


Bella holds her hands up, walking slowly. "I'm sorry... I didn't think... come on, I'll explain inside. Please Nor, I won't hurt you."

Nora doesn't budge from where she stands, frozen and afraid. Where did Bella go? How did she move so fast? What. The. Fuck.

"Nora." Bella says a little harder.

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