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Charlie gently closes Nora's bedroom door after checking on her for the 10th time this morning. The poor kid has been up all night throwing up and hasn't slept; she's only just got settled in the last hour or two but he's still worried about her. How does being pregnant affect her Addisons? He hasn't slept much the last couple days out of worry.

He sits down at the table and cracks a beer, getting his guns out for a clean. Just as he's taken his pistol apart the door knock and he rushes to get it, not wanting Nora to be disturbed. He instantly glares as he sees Jacob stood on the doorstep, looking nervous with his hands in his pockets and a sheepish smile on his face.

"Uh hey chief... Nora there?" He asks nervously.

Charlie glares. "No. She's sleeping."

Jake looks at his watch. "Still?" He frowns. "She okay?"

"What makes you think she's okay Jacob? She's 18 and pregnant because you're a selfish asshole while also battling an immune disorder. Tell me, Jake, what about that scenario is okay?" Charlie crosses his arms.

Jacob clears his throat nervously. "I..." He's speechless.

"Huh." Charlie smirks coldly. "First time in your life that you're speechless." He scoffs. "She's not well. She'll call you when she feels ready."

"Is she okay? Can I do anything?" Jacob frowns, putting his arm out to stop the door closing.

"You've done enough. Don't pretend to care now." Charlie snaps.

Jacob glares. "Nora is still my best friend, Charlie. And she's carrying my child." He snaps back. "Whether you like it or not, I'm in both your lives. You used to want me with Bella, what's changed?"

"Whats-whats changed !?!" Charlie yells, trying to contain his anger. "I stuck up for you through everything with Bella and Edward. I rooted for you. Why? Because I thought you had a heart of gold. I thought you were a good kid who had morals and would treat my daughters like they're Queens. Instead you treated one like a rag doll and the other as your punching bag. You used the fact Nora loved you for your own benefit and you had no consideration for her or how she felt!" He snaps, shaking with anger. "If I had my way you'd be 6 feet in the ground already. Don't push your damn luck." He closes the door a little harder than he intended but he doesn't care as he storms back to the table.

Jacob stares at the door for a moment before he slowly walks back to the truck. He sits in the cab and pulls his phone out, dialing Bella. "When do you get back?"

"I'm hunting, Jake, it takes as long as it takes. What's up?" Bella asks.

He sighs and leans his head back. "I wanted you to check on Nora for me. Your dad... won't let me in." He rubs his face and glances back towards the house.

"Do I need to come home?"

"No no it's fine. Have fun." He hangs up and stays parked outside the house for a while.

Around dusk, a familiar Mercedes pulls up outside the house and Jacob sits up, looking through the dark to see Edward climb out, opening one of the back doors for Ness to jump out. He nods once in the direction of the truck before he heads up the steps with his daughter and knocks gently.

Charlie half expects to see Jake again but his frown is instantly turned around as he sees Ness. "There's my girl!" He says as he scoops her up.

She giggles and hugs him close. "Papa Charlie!"

Charlie holds her on his hip as he walks in, Edward following. "We thought we'd stop by for a quick hello." He smiles.

Charlie gives him a genuine smile; his opinion on Edward is much better these days. He actually doesn't mind him. He's now saving all of his anger and pettiness for Jacob. "I'm glad. You hungry? I got pizza coming."

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