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AN| ive decided to upload the last few chapters at once!

Renee and Nora stare at each other. Both are silent. Both are angry. And both are waiting for the other to speak. Finally, having grown tired of her daughters ignorance, Renee speaks. "You're not going through with this."

Nora bites her cheek. "Why?"

"You're 22 years old. You have a child from another man. You don't have a job or a home." She tuts, listing things on her fingers. "I won't let you be so irresponsible."

Nora rages, throwing her hands up as she points at her mother. "You had Bella at 19 and then me 11 months after that! You married Charlie straight from high-school on a whim. You had the most chaotic dating life and were the most irresponsible parent I've ever heard of! Don't you dare lecture me on not being responsible!"

Renee glares, taking a sharp breath. "I'm stopping you from making the same mistakes as me." She snaps.

Nora gives a cold laugh. "No, your daughters names are Bella and Nora, not mistakes." She snaps.

"I didn't mean-"

"Shut up. I'm talking." She snaps. Renee goes silent and stares at her daughter who crosses her arms, glaring. "You do not get to judge me. Your situation and mine are nothing alike - you married dad on a whim. James and I have been together longer than you and dad were married! And that doesn't make me any more irresponsible than you who has TWO kids at my age. I love James and James loves me. I pushed and pushed and pushed him away but he didn't listen. He dotted on Chevy and put up with every shitty thing that comes along with being me and he hasnt complained." Nora is crying by now, the scissors slowly snipping at the last strands of her relationship with her mother.

"Cheveyo doesn't know who you are because you can't be bothered to know him. James tried his hardest to live up to your expectations just like Bella and I did but you didn't care. You couldn't be more like your own mother if you tried!" She continues. "So don't you stand there and judge me for doing what's right for me. At least I know what I'm signing up for with James. At least I can take care of the child I already have before adding another. And at least I won't make my child parent me. So you take your objection and you go! Don't you ever contact me again!" She sobs, falling onto the couch in the side room they're in.

And the last thread has been snipped. Renee huffs and crosses her arms. "Maybe the only thing we'll ever have in common is two fathers for-" She cuts herself off.

Nora looks up slowly. "Sorry?"

Renee is silent as she looks off to the side. "Noth-"

"No no no." Nora stands, frowning. "You said something about two fathers. What. Does that. Mean."

Renee looks over taking a shaky breath. "There's... there's a chance, a small one, that... that you're not Charlie's." She whispers.

Nora feels her world shatter. "W-what?" She whispers. That can't be. She's Charlie in every way!

The door eases open and said man peaks in. "Is everything-"

"Did you know!" Nora demands.

"Know what?" He frowns, his face confused.

That's all Nora needed to know. She swings her hand and slaps Renee hard, her mother glaring. "How could you do this to him!" She yells.

Charlie rushes over and pulls Nora back gently. "Hey hey, easy honey." He says, his hands on her shoulders as Nora bursts into tears. "Whats going on?" He pulls her into a hug.

Nora cries into him. "You..." she shakes her head. How can she say it?

"I'm your dad, honey, you can talk to me." He soothes, rubbing her back.

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