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You wake up to voices chattering.

It was warm so you knew that you were no longer on the streets. Your body ached all over and your senses felt off but that was just what electricity did to you.

"Mum! How many times, I told you, she's our friend."

That was Ned's voice. You relax, knowing that you were safe here. You were inside his house.

"Why, what's she asking?" That was MJ.

"She's saying that we can't just bring a random person into the house, I don't think she's listening to be honest." Ned explains.

You still had your eyes right shut.

"Oh, now she's saying that Y/n could be a drug dealer or a criminal." Ned says, almost laughing at the thought.

You open your eyes, the bright light of Ned's living room made you squint as you adjusted to the warmth.

The Spider DNA that you took from Peter's blood years ago had improved almost everything about you, even making your eyesight considerably better.

"She's awake." MJ says, running over to you.

It seemed that they'd put you into an old arm chair and even put a blanket over you.

"Hey.." You whisper, your voice was raspy for some reason, you couldn't move because your arms and legs hurt badly.

"We bandaged your leg," Ned tells you, "Besides that, your injuries are minor. I mean, you might not be able to move for a bit because your joints will be sore from the electric shock." He admits, "But yeah, apart from that, I think you'll be fine."

You were taken completely by surprise when MJ pulled you into a hug.

"Woah," You say, not knowing she cared about you that much, "Okay."

You smile weakly at your two friends before glancing at the news.

"..Peter Parker is in the centre of yet another catastrophic incident. We already have one confirmed body but we suspect more will be found by the end of the night.."

The News Reporter's voice faded in and out of your ears, you felt an overwhelming sense of guilt that you didn't stay and save the people from the building. You had no idea if there were others in there or not.

"I'm gonna do it." MJ says, looking at the box resting on the table.

"But then all that Peter's worked for will go to waste." Ned says before looking to you, "And what about Y/n."

"We can still help Peter." You rasp, sounding reminiscent of a smoker. The electricity must've shocked your voice box as well.

"He's not picking up his phone." MJ says, looking stressed out and worried for his boyfriend.

"There must be something we could do." You say, "We're not completely hopeless. Can't you track his suit or something?"

"No," Ned admits, "Peter took out his tracker a while ago,"

"Do we even know he's alive." MJ swallows, thinking about the worst case scenario.

"They haven't found his body so-" Ned starts but you interrupt him.

"I know," You say, more confident in your words than ever, "I can sense it."

"But if he's alive, where is he?" MJ asks, her hands lingering over the button.

Ned sighed, leaning back in his chair and throwing his arms up.

"I just wish Peter was here."

With those words, you noticed a little orange sparkle in the air in front of Ned.

It couldn't be.

No way.

Ned stared at his sling ring in shock as MJ's eyes widened.

Did Ned just use magic?

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