Thank You

6.3K 90 10


Thanks so much for reading, let me know if you liked the story. I've already published a sequel and now you've got a wholeeee no way home trilogy on my page.

Can I just flex that I wrote that story all from memory after seeing No Way Home once so.. yk.. respect me guys 💪💪💪 u don't wanna see me in some dark alleyways at night 💪 be threatened by this ultra flex.

Also if you want to read another Marvel fanfic let me know which film you'd want.

I'm going to add a cheeky bit of promo on here and say that on my profile I have stories for Stranger Things, American Horror Story, Narnia, Hunger Games and Maze Runner. So if you like any of those be sure to check them out.

Oh and alsooo if you're an Andrew Garfield fan (as you should be) I've just released a Marauders fanfic and it should be good. Remember when I said I'd never write romance? Yeah, that's out the window now.

-Book 2-

Hey I've released a Book 2 woooooo

It's sort of based around what I imagine Doctor Strange and the multiverse of madness is going to be like but with added Spider-Men.

So expect a nice get together with the spider-fam and an action packed story line that I've designed (that sounds cringy sorry)

It would mean the world to me if you check it out.

I mean the epilogue to this story is pretty much the prologue to that one so technically you've already sampled it.

-Reaction Book-

Okay, I've created a reaction book to this series made up of short stories from marvel characters and their lives after No Way Home.

I've made a trilogy as you know and I honestly can't believe that this book hit 100k so thank you.

But it'd mean a lot to me if you checked it out although I suspect some of you already have.

And that's definitely all from me, thanks for reading this annoying bit at the end of the story lmao.

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