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The three Peter Parker's work away at making the cures with you. Ned sat watching his laptop and MJ was reading a book.

You were quite good with chemistry and biology. It seemed that making the cures was a mix of the two.

You work next to the older of the two Peters as he works on a cure for the lizard. You were creating a Green Goblin anti-serum. This time one that would work.

You wait three minutes, allowing the bacteria to develop and as you wait, you watch the other Spider-Man work.

He webbed a conical flask from the other side of the room and quickly poured a fraction of its contents into his tube.

"Do your webs come straight out of your wrists?" You ask, noticing how he wasn't wearing web slingers.

"Yeah," He says like it were obvious, "Don't yours?"

You shake your head, "I have to design mine and refill them which is quite annoying to be honest."

"So webs just come straight out of your wrists!" The other Peter Parker who came in a portal says, leaning in curiously.

The oldest Peter just shrugged, looking at his wrists innocently.

"Do the webs come out of anywhere else?" The other Peter Parker continues to ask.

You hide your laughter and return back to by our work, boiling the potion and transferring it to another tube.

You dip a ph strip in and when it turns a light blue, you know that the concoction was fully prepared.

Just to double test, you tipped a drop the cure onto your finger. It was dangerous but you trusted your work enough to see.

And like you predicted, nothing happened.

"I'm done." You say, stepping back from the table, "Can I have one of those injector tubes?"

The Peter from this universe chucks a flask in the air and you web it, bringing it back to your table.

The others were still working so you were the first finished.

Peter from this universe was making a cure for sandman. He was currently testing it on some sand. You watched it as it formed into a finger and Peter tried not to squirm away in horror.

Peter from a universe very similar to yours was perfecting the electro-magnet that was made to de-weaponise Max. He was even equipping it with a motion system that tracked movement in electric currents. He had also been chatting to Ned about how he had a best friend who he had to kill which clearly traumatised Ned who just wanted to know if there were other people like him.

The last Peter was still fixing the lizard cure. It seemed that two of the Peters had a Doctor Connors in their universes so they were helping each other with that one.

"Peter." Ned yells, not taking his eyes from the computer screen.

"Yup." The tallest Peter said, looking to Ned, "Oh sorry did you mean.."

"Yeah." Peter from this universe said.

"Yes, wait do you mean him?" The last Peter replied.

The three of them alternated between pointing at each other for a couple of seconds.

"Peter Parker." Ned says a little stressed out, "I mean Peter Parker."

"Yeah that's not helping." The tall Peter said, raising his hands and stepping back.

You scoff at their childishness. It was quite funny to watch.

"My Peter. Peter Parker. From this universe." Ned says before pointing, "The computer."

You would've stayed and chatted to MJ because she'd been awfully quiet in the past few minutes but you had a better idea.

You walked across the room to a map on the wall. You ran your finger across the board, stopping on a couple of words.

Level 9 - Fibre Technology

You smile to yourself as you head towards the lift.

It was time your spider-suit had an upgrade.

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