Part 6: S2's Changed, replaced, truly/mostly unaffected, and added/new episodes

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This list excludes Escape from Cluster prime, as that will be its own separate pair of parts entirely.

Episode 1, "Victim of fashion," Will be initially unchanged, as Metal Sonic doesn't want any part in the Fashion war. However, Jenny drags Metal into it before it starts.
Metal would quickly explain through his voice box that that is impossible for Jenny to hurt the crust cousin's due to Jenny's Limiters. Metal also catches Jenny when she falls and helps her further walk in heels.
Rapper Attire: Metal shows up in a relatively amazing rapper attire that looks like the boyfriend from Friday-Night Funkin.
Western Attire: Metal then shows up in an outlaw attire with Jenny, who challenges them with ease, then uses her "gun guitar" and shoots holes into her cowboy hats, much to the anger of the Crust Cousins.
Bug Attire:  Metal Sonic turns into a dragonfly.
Pool Attire: Metal Sonic dawns a shark-like attire and scares away the crust cousins with it, making them think he's an actual shark.
At the end of the day, the cousins try to outdo jenny with medieval style clothing. Metal Sonic is the first to outdo them this time.
Medieval Attire: Metal Sonic resembles a dragon, complete fire breath, wings, and a tail. Metal Sonic also wields a gaping dragon maw, and menacing dragon roar.
Jenny also arrives in knight's armor and with a medieval style sword as the crust cousins run away.
Victorian Style: Metal dawns a Victorian male's attire, complete with a fencing Sabre, which he uses to help Jenny tear the Crust cousin's outfits to shreds.
Metal Sonic stops changing styles when it gets to the slim outfits, but does show up in an Iron Man Style clothing alongside tuck during the Aliens reference.

Episode 2a, "Last Action Zero," Doesn't Change at all.

Episode 2b, "Mind over Matter," is a bit different, as not only does Metal Sonic serve as a 4th distraction for Gigawatt, but it also sparks a memory in Metal Sonic that causes him to see if "They" Came through.

This leads to a minisode, "Chaos Control" In which Metal Sonic goes on a search for the Chaos Emeralds and discovers that they are somewhere in the universe, along with the MASTER Emerald.

Episode 3a, "Future Shock" is unaffected, except for Metal Sonic just saying he's, quote, "Done with time travel." This quote is referring to the events of both Sonic CD and Sonic Mania. He also does help Jenny slow down tuck and saves the drive-in theater.

Episode 3b, "Humiliation 101" changes slightly, as Metal Sonic is intrigued to know what the assembly's contents are, leading to a b plot where Metal Sonic is constantly inquiring on The Assembly plans and such with Nora Wakeman through his notebook and tape recorder.

Episode 4a, "Love Them or Leash Them" Is unaffected, say for Metal Sonic being a bit protective of Jenny, and trying to stop Sheldon, only for him to fail.

Episode 4b, "Team Teen Time" Is changed in many ways, as Metal Sonic has a slight grudge over the Team of Teens, we get a scene where there is a picture of Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails, on Metal Sonic's Visual Display, thus revealing to us that the Team reminds Metal Sonic of team Hero from the world of Mobius, and when Jenny Leaves the Team of Teens, Metal Sonic says that he's, quote, "more that overjoyed with Jenny's Decision." Metal Sonic also fights the leader of Team Teen to help Jenny stay.

Episode 5, "A robot for all seasons" Is drastically different, as Metal Sonic actually Stops the subway patrol, seeming to be peeved at them, causing them to realize that Metal Sonic won't allow them to harm Jenny in any way. He also makes numerous attempts prevents Jenny from helping Todd ruining Christmas, resulting in him defending Santa, using all his weaponry to prevent Jenny from harming Santa Claus, however he also doesn't harm Jenny Directly, instead he aims for removing Todd himself from Jenny, saying, quote unquote, "Todd is on the naughty list for life after this" Using a projector device he installed to try and hypnotize Jenny to undo the programming, to no avail, due to the fact that she's faking still being under Todd's control. And Metal Sonic also helps Jenny spank Todd.

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