Part 30: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 5/5

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Barry, Metal Sonic, and Sonic all leap off of the walls of the Train and onto its roof, winding up on top of the Kitchen Car, which is 3 cars behind the Saloon car. Barry lands with less grace than Metal Sonic or Sonic, but still manages to stick the landing.
Barry (In his mind): WAIT, THERE IS A KITCHEN?!
Barry looks at Metal Sonic and Sonic.
Metal Sonic: Alright, our Friends and my Family are all Locked in the Cars up ahead...
Sonic thinks.
Sonic: If we can get up to enough speed, then we should be able to use our momentum to break the fortifications on the Train!
Metal Sonic, Sonic, and Barry all manage to stand up on the train.
Barry: If we can grab enough rings, then we should be able to take more of a hit as well~!
Sonic looks back at Barry.
Sonic: Are you ready, Barry?
Barry nods as he readies up to run.
Barry: As ready as I'll ever be.
Metal Sonic and Sonic nod as they also ready up to run.
Metal Sonic: Let's do this then.


Metal Sonic, Barry, and Sonic all begin to run on top of the train, Barry not reaching Sonic or Metal Sonic's speed to easily, but still managing to catch up as he collects 10 rings. Metal Sonic then leaps above a couple of robot Arms as they pop out of the roof of the Train, Metal Sonic running across each one as he collects another 10 rings. Sonic smiles as he boosts through the arms and collects 10 rings after dodging some spikes.
Barry keeps running as he uses his Grappling hook to grain extra speed, grabbing 20 more rings as him, Sonic, and Metal Sonic reach the top of the Saloon Car, Metal Sonic, Barry, and Sonic all leap up, Metal Sonic and Sonic grabbing onto Barry as he grapples onto the side of the train, swinging down into the fortified window with Sonic and Metal Sonic, breaking through the window and entering the Saloon car, Melody quickly rushing up and hugging Metal Sonic, who returns it.
Metal Sonic: Thank God you're ok...
Knuckles growls.
Knuckles: Just wait until I see Eggman; I'm gonna clobber him!
Sonic looks at Knuckles, who is growling under his breath.
Sonic: We've gotta deal with the train first, Knuckles.
Metal Sonic: C'mon, let's go!
Knuckles nods with a Smirk as him and Melody follow Metal Sonic, Sonic, and Barry out of the Window.


Our heroes all begin to run through Never Lake Zone, collecting rings as they do so. Barry leaps over some tumbling boulders as he collects the first 15 rings, then Melody blasts through them with her lasers as she collects 10 more. Knuckles collects another 10 rings as he punches the Boulders, sending Some Boulders flying towards Sonic as he dodges them, collecting another 10 rings, Metal Sonic running through the loop section as he collects another 10 rings. Barry and Melody then grapple onto the window of the Library Car as Metal Sonic, Knuckles, and Sonic all run alongside them before they all leap and fwip off of the ground and through the fortifications, causing Espio and Vector to all jump back in fright, but then seem relieved.
Espio: You all came for us!
Metal Sonic: Of course, why wouldn't we?
Melody gets ready to get moving again as she jumps, pumping herself up in a way.
Barry: The Train wants to deliver us to Eggman for a reward!
Vector growls a bit.
Vector: Please. The Only Reward is to get off this stupid Train!
Espio and Vector begin to run towards the window.
Melody: Let's go!


The group now run alongside the train, running through the remains of the egg fleet from Sonic Heroes as they leap and spin through the air. Espio collects 10 rings as he runs through the remains of an old Engine while Vector collects another 5 rings running across the remains of an egg carrier's main deck. Metal Sonic collects 10 rings as he leaps through what little is left of Metal Overlord, the form he took on at the end of Sonic Heroes', old jet engine.
Barry uses his grappling hook to swing like Spiderman through the old, destroyed interior of an Egg Carrier's weapon bay as he smiles happily, laughing as he collects 10 more rings while Melody, who runs along the floor of the destroyed interior, collects 5 more rings. Sonic and Knuckles both grind on 2 separate rails, made from different Egg Carrier's crashing as they continue onward, managing to collect 10 more rings each. The group then all leap into the vault of the Casino car and climb up the elevator before bursting through its door, startling the Chao Security Guard, Blaze, and Rouge.
Blaze: Y- You all are alright~!
Rouge chuckles to herself as she gets a little bit salty.
Rouge: It's about time you all showed up... Aren't you all supposed to be fast?
Sonic: No time to catch up on what little we all missed.
Metal Sonic taps his foot as he rushes over to the elevator door and tears it open.
Metal Sonic: We gotta move; are you two ready?
Blaze closes her fan and places it into her hammerspace.
Blaze: Always~!
Rouge smiles and nods, running at the Elevator shaft as Metal Sonic gets out of the way.
Rouge: Let's Boogie~!
Rouge leaps through the elevator shaft and breaks through the roof of the Elevator as Barry uses his grappling hook to break open its door. Sonic then Lands as him and Metal Sonic Spin-Dash right through the fortified door. Vega uses her sword to cut through some of the robot arms as Silver uses his telekinesis to hold some in place. Melody then blasts some of the arms away as Knuckles punches some others, Vector helping knuckles as Espio throws a couple of shurikens at the arms, tearing them apart.
Silver: You all made it~!
Vega smiles as her, Metal Sonic, and Melody all share a hug. Metal Sonic then breaks down the next barricade with Melody and Vega as the group all leap through the corridor, going up and outside of the car.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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