Part 26: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 1/5

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Metal Sonic, Jenny, Vega, Misty, and Melody are all sitting in the living room of the Wakeman Family household, relaxing since there is nothing to really do, before the doorbell rings.
Metal Sonic: I'll get it!
Metal Sonic hops up and zooms to the door, opening it, and seeing multiple letters, and an instruction card.
Metal Sonic: Oh, thank you~!
Metal Sonic tips the delivery man and takes the letters before he closes the door. Jenny, Vega, Misty, and Melody look at the packages and letters.
Jenny Wakeman: What did you get?
Metal Sonic: Nothing, actually.
Metal Sonic places the letters on the counter, then starts to hand them out.
Vega: I wonder who they're from...
Metal Sonic passes the letters out to everyone, then gives them each their respective package.
Metal Sonic: Same here. But I think we're supposed to read these and open our packages separately.
Melody: Why?
Metal Sonic picks up a sheet of paper and shows it to everyone after reading it, as if checking it.
Metal Sonic: It says here that each person must read their Letter separately since it has things that are unique to each of us.
Melody: Oh.
Misty: Alright then.
Everyone splits off to their separate rooms before reading their letters. The scene cuts to each respective person when they talk.
Metal Sonic: "To my dear friends, You are all invited to join my birthday party on the Mirage Express."
Jenny Wakeman: "During this birthday party, we will be doing a Murder Mystery game, with everyone having an outfit guide for their attire."
Vega: "Each of you must follow your outfit guide to create your Outfit for the Murder Mystery Party..."
Melody: "Be sure to keep a close eye on what is needed for your outfit, and make sure it follows the Lore Card I have also Provided."
Misty: "Everyone will be stationed in a specific room during the Murder Mystery, and must be prepared with an Alabi should they be selected as the Murderer, which will be in your letter."
The scene cuts to a mysterious, white gloved hand holding their murderer card before it cuts back to Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic: "Looking forward to seeing you all. -Amy Rose."
Everyone smiles, Metal Sonic doing so mouthlessly, before speeding off before the transitions to another.


???: I Gotta speed up; I can't be late for my first day on the job!
The scene fades in as an Unnamed Quokka quickly boards the Mirage Express, ready for his first day on the job, then breathes a Sigh of relief.
Unnamed Quokka: Made it onto the train, and fifteen minutes ahead of schedule too. So far, so good for my first day on the job!
The quokka smiles before noticing that he's missing his nametag.
Unnamed Quokka: Oh... I totally forgot my nametag isn't ready yet. I should make one... I'll just sign my name here...
The quokka writes down "Barry" before putting the nametag on.
Barry the Quokka: I sure hope passengers can read my scribble...
Barry notices that he's sweating, and shaking, and then realizes what's going on.
Barry: Uh oh... a- am I nervous? Is this first day on the job jitters?
Barry shakes his head.
Barry: Working in the Train's dining car can't be so bad...
Barry Groans.
Barry: Come on, Barry; shake it off!
Barry slaps himself with both hands a bit as the Conductor walks in.
Conductor: Uh... Excuse me...
Barry looks at the Conductor...
Conductor: Did I-... Did I just see you hitting yourself?
Barry: M- M- Mr. Conductor, sir! N- No, sir, I'm totally fine~! How are you doing this morning?
The Conductor smiles as he lets out a hearty, Santa-like laugh.
Barry quickly stands at attention, a wide, nervous smile on his face.
Conductor: Oh, ho, ho~! I am doing quite alright myself! Although, I am feeling a little bittersweet.
Barry tilts his head in confusion.
Barry: Oh. Is everything alright, Mr. Conductor sir?

The Conductor sighs.
Conductor: Truth be told, not really... For, alas, today's my last day as conductor; I'm retiring after thirty-two wonderful years.
The Conductor smiles sweetly.
Conductor: It's finally time for me and The Mirage Express to say goodbye to one another.
Barry smiles happily.
Player: Oh, congratulations on your retirement, sir!
The Conductor smiles happily.
Conductor: Thank you so much~! My wife is very excited about it; she's already got our plane tickets to Spagonia locked~!
The Conductor rubs the back of his head a tiny bit, smiling nervously.
Conductor: Our shower has been on the fritz lately, so I'm excited to use the hotel's too~! Fah-hah-hah!
Barry (In his head): I can see why his wife is excited...
Conductor: Anyways, enough of my quibbles, today's your first day working the dining car!
The Conductor hands Barry a menu.
Conductor: Here's the menu for today, Barry~!
Barry quickly studies the menu, looking nervous.
Barry (In his head): I'd better study this...
The Conductor, after a few seconds, notices Barry's nervous expression.
Conductor: Why do you look so nervous, Barry? All we have on the train is a microwave~!
Barry smiles nervously.
Barry: First day on the job Jitters.
The Conductor begins to laugh heartily.
Conductor: Fah-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah! I know that feeling all too well; I had it on my first day, too~!
Barry: You did?
The Conductor looks at Barry with a smile.
Conductor: Why, of course; It's completely normal, Barry~!
The Conductor smiles wider.
Conductor: Though, I'm sure a little quiz is in order~!
Barry blinks as the conductor pulls out a sheet of paper.
Barry (In his head): They didn't mention quizzes in the interview, that's for sure...
The Conductor puts on some reading glasses and smiles widely.
Conductor: Now then... Question 1: Which of these do we serve at the dining car? Is it A. "Crab Rangoon."; B. "Spicy Grilled Picky"; or C. "Chicken Cordon Bleu?"
Barry thinks for a moment.
Barry: Is it... Chicken Cordon Bleu...?
Conductor: Ding, ding, ding! Glad you can read the menu ok~!
Barry and the Conductor both laugh for a bit.

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