Our Story Begins...

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“My name is Keegan, and I send this message to all humans and Matches who sympathize with our plight:

“We are here.

“We… are waiting.”

Kai Park slept badly. The events of the recent past would not stop playing over and over again in his mind. Again and again he was forced to relive the unspeakable atrocities that happened by the hands of Eros to his family and friends. Nadia, Damien, Sloane, Hayden...


Thinking of Hayden jarred Kai out of his already terrible sleep. Automatically, almost as if by instinct, he turned his head to his left.

And saw Hayden sitting up, beaming brightly at him.

“Good morning, Kai,” she said sweetly.

Kai didn’t respond, but simply groaned. Hayden’s smile vanished and was replaced by a look of worry.

“Sleepless night?”

“I’m sorry, Hayden,” Kai said. “All those things that happened with Eros… If they had destroyed you, I… Oh Hayden, I…” Before he could stop himself, he felt himself crying. Hayden cradled him in her arms as if he was a baby.

“Kai…” she said soothingly. “It doesn’t matter anymore. It’s all over; Eros is done for good.”


“I know, I know. I too would have been devastated if I lost you.”

Hayden’s words comforted Kai. Slowly he began to forget about the past. She’s right, he thought. It doesn’t matter… All that matters is…

“Hayden…” he said, finishing his thought aloud.

“Kai…” she whispered in response.

Neither of them needed a genius like Sloane to know what the other was thinking. They both undressed and engaged in some wonderful lovemaking.

Post-Chapter Author’s Note
Well, there it is. The first chapter of what should be a longer story, although I don’t know exactly HOW long. I also don’t know how often I will post updates to this story, but I suppose I will just update it on the fly, as I keep getting inspiration along the way. So, follow this story so you can stay tuned for updates!

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