Chapter 39

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Klaus felt better after about five rounds.

The good thing was that Maddy hadn't grown tired easily. After all, he was doing most of the work.

"I didn't know that it had a name for it," he panted heavily, laying beside her. "Angry sex. That's a rather ridiculous name."

"But it's said to be therapeutic," she said, massaging her throat as the last of the bruises disappeared. "Think I could have a bit of your blood, please? I'm feeling dizzy from when you were feeding on me."

He nodded, offering his wrist to her. She held his hand and bit in, starting to drink until the dizziness went away.

"Let's take another personal day," she suggested. "Or maybe several days. Shane is dead, and they haven't yet figured out a way to keep Jeremy's murderous urges down. They're going to have to figure something out."

"Before we go anywhere, I'd like for you to tell me what you and Kol spoke about yesterday."

"He mentioned someone called Silas. I think it's pretty worrisome, we should listen to him about this, and not go and get the cure. The problem is... he's so concerned, I worry he might kill Jeremy to make sure it's fully over. He also wants to get rid of the Hunter's Sword, so..."

"I'll ask him more about it," said Klaus. "Perhaps before we go, I'd ought to speak with him alone. If we are going to cease looking for the cure, you may want to discuss this with Elena and Meredith."

Though Maddy dreaded the idea of speaking to Meredith, she knew that it was time to face her. It had been long enough.

She went to her apartment, tapping her feet anxiously on the ground as she held a bouquet of flowers and some banana nut muffins for her.

Meredith opened the door, survived to see her there. "Maddy," she said stiffly. "Come in."

"Damon says that these are your favorites," she said awkwardly, handing her the muffins and the flowers.

"They are." She turned away from her, setting the muffins on her table and taking the flowers to the sink so that she could put them in a vase. "I was starting to think that you'd never talk to me again."

"I'm bad at admitting I did something wrong," said Maddy. "Especially when it comes to something I did so impulsively, just for everything to sort of be fixed hours later. Meredith... I am so sorry. I'll never be able to make up for what I did to you. I'll never make it better. I'm a monster and I accept that. You didn't deserve this. And I didn't even have the guts to face you and try to help you through it."

Meredith didn't face her. "A part of me understands why you did it. It must have been so awful for you to have lost three people at once. You needed a scapegoat and it ended up being me. To some extent, they were the consequences I would inevitably face, fooling around with vampire blood. I guess I just never thought it would be so sudden. I have been... miserable as a vampire. But I'm slowly getting used to it. So... I appreciate your apology, but I can't forgive you yet."

"That's okay. I-I could ask Klaus or Kol to compel you, maybe they can have you not smell blood unless it's during a certain time in your feeding schedule, if you have one. You would be a doctor again... blood wouldn't trigger you the same because your senses would be shut down."

"Maybe. But I thought there was a way to undo this. A cure. Why are you offering me an option for if I remain a vampire?"

Maddy wrung her hands together. "There is an even greater danger now, if we pursue the cure. It could backfire really, really badly, and I just don't think that we should be risking it. Going after the cure means waking up a very ancient immortal who can hurt us really badly."

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