Chapter 69

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"You want me to do what?"

Maddy, in wanting to distract herself from having had to send Hope away, had immediately gone to Marcel's loft to see what he needed to talk to her about. Immediately, he'd handed her a small card he'd received from The Strix, inviting him to a gala at 7041 St. Charles Avenue.

"Be my date to this thing," said Marcel as she looked over the car. "It's some weird recruitment, I guess. I'm assuming Elijah told you that his ex-girlfriend ambushed me and a few of my guys here yesterday."

"Yes, it was brought up," said Maddy, taking the card and examining it. "Well... if you don't go, it'll be seen as disrespectful, and they might come and kill you."

"That's what I'm thinking," he agreed. "They'll think I'm saying I'm too good for them or something. I should probably just... go. Thing is, I don't want to go in without backup."

"I don't know about this. I'm from Klaus's sireline."

"So am I, and they're recruiting me."

"I'm married to him. The people that will be attending this thing are all from Elijah's sireline. I'd... I'd be exposing myself to all of them."

Marcel's expression dropped. "Shit. I hadn't considered that."

Maddy could tell that he was disappointed. And she hated seeing people be disappointed. "But," she added quickly, "I'll talk to Klaus and Elijah about it. And, maybe if Elijah decides he wants to go..."

Marcel perked up, but then immediately looked crestfallen again. "I'm not the biggest fan of Elijah at the moment. Yesterday he dismissed me like some kid."

Maddy frowned. "Well, that's rude of him. What happened?"

"Aya kidnapped me, took me to Strix headquarters. Elijah showed up, I thought we were going to fight our way out but he basically just told me to back off."

"I'll mention it to Elena."

"You don't have to—"

"Please, Marcel, she's my best friend, she won't make it obvious that it came from us. She'll figure out what's going on with him. Even if he's stressed it's no excuse to be rude. Let me just see what Nik and Elijah say. Who's your backup if I can't go?"

"I... did not have a backup in mind. Elena's too young. Jo doesn't have powers and if I even breathe near her, Vincent will get jealous. He's definitely got a crush on her. Bonnie's with Kol, I'm definitely not asking her. And as much as I'd like Cami to be my date, she's human, so that's out of the question."

"What about Freya?"

"I don't know her well enough."


"She'd do it for me, but she won't make it in time, not to mention she's the head of the competing sireline, that's a big no."

"Right... um... well, what about Hayley?"

"What about Hayley?"

"She could be your backup if I can't. She's a hybrid, she can kick ass just as well as I can. She's way younger than both of us but she can keep up with us really damn well. Not to mention she's got a killer bite."

"Alright, then. If Klaus and Elijah put you on time out, then I'll get Hayley to be my date. I'm hoping they let you."

"As long as Elijah is going, Klaus will have to accept that I'm going, too. Elijah won't like it but he can't control me, so... yeah. I'll get back to you about that. I'll text you. Start preparing a green tie."

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