Chapter 70

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She couldn't dwell on it.

Whatever it was, she knew that finding out now would only cause her to be angry, and it would lead her to let her guard down. She couldn't afford to look vulnerable in front of a vampire old enough to snap her in half without much effort. Already he knew Hope could sire hybrids, and Maddy had not wanted this.

Tristan had already continued to speak. "I believe, based on the look on your face, that they've made themselves out to be the victims, entirely."

"Hardly," said Maddy blandly. "We've all done horrible things to the people in our lives."

"You don't strike me as someone who would hurt those closest to them."

"The reason my brother's girlfriend is a vampire is because I turned her in a fit of rage when I thought Nik and my best friend were dead."

Tristan chuckled at this. "Forgive me, that's not funny in the slightest, it's simply amusing that that is... all you thought to mention. For a vampire over a century old... it sounds as though you've led a good life aside from occasionally feeding and killing. We've all done that. From what I learned of you, you are loyal to a fault. You've cared for your brothers. Never once turned off your humanity."

"Have you?" When he raised a brow, she clarified, "Turned off your humanity?"

He shook his head. "No. I couldn't afford to."

"Why not?"

"I had to take care of my sister. Aurora has had troubles with her mental health. Had I turned it off, it would have been negligent."

In that field, at least, they could relate. "I know what you mean," murmured Maddy. "I never turned it off because if I had..."

"Your brothers wouldn't have been able to bring you back," deduced Tristan. "You were their anchor to their humanity. You always cared for them. And though they loved you it simply wouldn't have been the same. No one would have been there to help them if you'd shut it off. Do you think you ever will? Keep in mind that after a certain age... we lose the ability to shut our switch off. It becomes... nonexistent. I struggle to comprehend why it happens. I simply know that it does."

"I don't think I ever will. My daughter needs me. The only thing that would make me want to turn it off would be if I lost her."

"Not if you lost Niklaus?"

"In the past when I thought I lost him, I fully intended to shut it off. But now... if I lost him but she was still there... I couldn't afford to break down. I'd have to muster up my courage to keep firm because she'd need me. But I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be completely dead inside if I lost him."

Tristan hummed. "Niklaus is not my favorite person. However, I can see that you truly love him. Hold onto that. I have yet to speak to him again but I hear he is... different as of late. Since he's been with you." He offered his arm. "Shall we head back? I imagine you wish to enjoy yourself a bit more before you return home."

"I won't leave until Marcel gets his ring back," said Maddy, taking his arm. Once they got into the main room, she saw Hayley was with Elijah, the two of them watching Marcel moving around, thinking, talking to different people, likely studying their behavior. Maddy truly hoped that he'd figure it out and be able to defeat the person who had his ring.

There was suddenly a howling sound in the doorway. The crowd parted as Klaus, Lucien, and four women in revealing dresses walked in. Seemed they'd previously been at some sort of party.

"I'm ready for my medication," slurred Klaus, walking crookedly with his arms around two of the women.

"My god," said Lucien, hanging onto the other two, "it's a room full of Elijahs."

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