Chapter 40

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"We're not helping you."

Maddy tried to slam the door in her face, but the woman swiped her hand out weakly. It was so unlike Katherine to be fragile. Had she been in a vampire body, surely she would have broken the door from how hard she pushed to keep Maddy from shutting her out.

"Please," begged Katherine, turning her head to the side and sniffling hard as if she was congested. "I wouldn't be here if I wasn't absolutely desperate. Stefan..."

Stefan sighed, taking pity on her. "What's going on?" He gestured for her to come in, ignoring the furious look his sister was sending his way. "Are you sick?"

"Yes," she said, pouting and glaring at the floor as if it was its fault. "I survived childbirth, the death of my entire family, and five hundred years of running from an immortal hybrid but now I'm on the verge of being defeated by a sinus infection!"

"Sweet, sweet karma," said Maddy with a wicked smile, not giving a single crap about her predicament.. "Now get to the point. Why did you go to Nova Scotia and try to screw things up in the first place? I told you to back off."

Katherine stared at her incredulously. "I let Hayley live!"

"But you went after the cure after I said not to. What the hell did you want with it?"

"When I heard Elena and Bon-Bon were going after it alone, I figured it was an easy grab. I'd kill them and no one would know I was involved. They'd assume it was too tough a terrain for them." She rolled her eyes. "I bet you told Klaus and he had a great time hearing about how miserable I am."

Maddy smirked. "Yeah, he laughed his ass off. Said you deserved it and whatnot for being an abusive bitch. Now tell us about these apparent stalkers or I will snap your neck right now."

Katherine huffed angrily. "I keep feeling that someone is watching me. Ever since I escaped Nova Scotia, someone has been behind me. A few times I caught sight of their faces but I have no idea who they are."

"Cute," said Maddy. "Your enemies found out and now they're trying to get back at you."

"This isn't funny!" snapped Katherine defensively before sniffling again.

"To you," said Maddy sweetly.

"Mads," said Stefan, holding up his hand. "This is now our problem because if someone's following her, then she just led them here."

The older Salvatore's smirk dropped. "Can't we just kill her and get this over with?" She stared at Katherine. "Why don't you just cut your hair, get plastic surgery, change your name, and fuck off? Or is running not as fun anymore now that you can't compel yourself any friends?"

"I just need a place to stay," she sniffled. "While this stupid feeling in my nose goes away!"

Stefan made the executive decision to let her stay, despite Maddy's insistence that they should kick Katherine to the curb.

"She knows more than she's letting on," said Stefan once they'd set Katherine up with a warm bath, some tea, and medication. "Maybe I can use her crush on me to our advantage. She might tell me."

"So what, you'll seduce her and go into her mind? We have enough problems with Damon literally being responsible for Kol's death. If you get into some problem with these apparent stalkers Katherine has..."

Stefan sighed. "Mads, he didn't do it on purpose. For once it wasn't completely his fault. It's been over a week, let it go."

Maddy stared at him. "Let it go? Damon's lucky Klaus didn't decapitate him for it! He's lucky Elijah and Rebekah didn't eviscerate him! Kol was kind to me, he helped us, and Bonnie loved him."

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