chapter 4

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hyunjin pov

I looked at the girls who were laughing at y/n walk away.

"Such a loser" one of them said.

"Stop it."

"oh hyunjin? don't worry we'll take care of her" said another one of them

"don't. I'm here to take care of her, I don't need your help"

The rearmost of them came forward, "Why? How come you suddenly feel sorry for her? ...Or rather, do you like her now?" she scoffed.

"Even if it was a homeless person you were doing this to, I'd do the same thing, it's called human decency, something none of you have I suppose?"

This time, neither of them said anything.

"Stop disrupting our lives and do something with yours that might make your parents regret having you a little less than they already do," I said and left.

"That was so cool! You're such a great person!" said Sung Hee, smiling.

"It was nothing"

"but still-"

"Do you wanna go out for ice cream?"

"mhm sure!"


y/n pov

I stood in front of the washroom mirror and was close to tears.

"Stupid bitches," I said to myself, fixing my hair.

"It's okay, it's okay, you'll be okay," I said to myself again, but this time a tear rolled down my cheek

"Ugh, did something get in my eye - why would I cry over something so stupid," now my voice broke.

"tch, what's wrong with you y/n, stop being so stupid" I wiped my tears, washed my face and walked out

as I walked back to the classroom I saw Hyunjin and Sung Hee eating ice cream, of course I wanted to walk up to them as usual but I stopped half way, I was just reminded of everything that had happened a few minutes ago, I froze

What the hell is wrong with me?

I'm not afraid of these bitches.

then.. why can't I...

I was just busy with my thoughts when a voice behind me called my name

"Ms. Lee!"

I turned around and saw the annoying face of my stupid teacher

"Yes?" I said as he walked towards me.

"Follow me"

"uhh, okay-"

I followed him, and soon I realised we were heading to the principal's office.

"shi- what've I done now?" I thought as I tried to remember everything I've done lately.

and then we got in, I saw Seungmin standing there, luckily I didn't ruin his shirt this time, but what was he doing here anyway-

"So, Ms. Lee, you scored 3 out of 45 on one of your recent tests," the principal said.

"o-oh uh-" I started to stutter, not knowing what else to say.

"You didn't do very well on your last tests either".

I just stood there and nodded.

"I promise I'll do better next ti-"

"We called your mother to ask her about this, and she said that no matter how successful she is, she wants her daughter to get a good education."

despair - h.hyunjin ★Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora