chapter 47 (final)

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hello everyone! yes, this is somehow the last chapter of this book. i was going to be doing two more but then i realized i could put it all up in a single chapter and give it to you guys at once! and because of that there are a couple of timeskips in this, making this chapter like super long. 

nonetheless, i hope that you can bear with it and thank you<3

y/n pov

i froze, my legs want to run but i can't. plus i'm sure im not the fastest runner. he'll be able to catch me in two seconds even if i do. i took a breath and turned around. i'll be fine, i'm not scared.

he smiled as he finally saw me face him, and he was still a few steps away. "what do you want? money? why are you back suddenly after so many days?" i asked straightforward, trying my best to make sure my voice isn't shaking.

"i think its destiny. i keep seeing you everywhere." he said with a smile, but not a friendly one. i was taking slow steps back as he kept coming closer. i just want to reach the camp and be back.

when i didn't say anything, he spoke up again. without dropping that creepy smile of his. "stop going away. don't you see we're perfect for each other?" , there. i see it in his eyes. he's drunk.

"oh please, i get more money as my allowance than you would make your entire life." i said confidently, and for the first time his smile dropped. i knew i hit his insecure spot perfectly when his eyes started raging.

but in a second he laughed again, "you're funny. aren't you gonna be good to me and come home? i'll take care of you."

i don't think this is working. he's drunk. he doesn't care if i'm scared of him or not. i need to get out of here. i slowly pulled my phone out and started to dial the the teacher's number, and he spoke again. "you're pushing me baby, it's supposed to be the two of us." he said as his steps got faster towards me, which made me panic and i can't play cool anymore. i started running. i felt him run behind me as he got to me and grabbed my hair to pull me back to him, and i screamed.

he pulled me into himself and used his hand around my stomach to stop me from running and his other one covering my lips, while also trying to shove some sort of pill into my mouth.

he licked my neck, and it sent a shiver of disgust down my spine. i don't know anymore, i'm screaming and panicking, and doing my best to get out of his grip. but it was of no use, there wasn't a single person or a car using the road. i stumped his foot with all the strength i had, which made him groan and loosen his hands around me.

i took the opportunity to get away from him and spit out whatever the fuck he was trying to feed me, but i only went so far away before he grabbed me again and pushed me on the sidewalk. the forest was right behind me, and no one would ever be able to know if he shoves me in right now.

there were a few bricks beside me, and he isn't walking straight because of being drunk. i quickly bent down and picked one of them up, and smashed it on him. i couldn't get his head, but i managed to hit his shoulder, and he took a step back while mumbling random swears.

i'd hurt my leg when he pushed me, and i even though it hurts me in every step i take, i decided to run as fast as i could. but as soon as i passed against him, i felt a sudden sharp pain in my neck. i realized the next second he was injecting something in.

i tried moving away quickly, but he already put more than half of what it was in the syringe before i pulled it out of and threw it away as i rubbed my neck in fear.

he smiled again as he realized, "there we go, you're gonna be a good girl now."

it didn't feel like anything initially, but only after a few seconds i felt like all my strength was leaving me. i could barely stand on my own. "you fucking bitch." i whispered as i ran a hand around my head when it started hurting.

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