chapter 40

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y/n pov

"fuck" i mumbled under my breath and quickly jumped back inside the washroom, ive got to have the worst luck ever. WHY IS THE TIMING ALWAYS SO- i sighed in annoyance as i walked back and forth. should i just run away??? no.. that wouldn't help

i took a breath to calm down, then slowly walked out. a few steps and i got noticed by them both at the same time, i didnt look at them as i walked up.

"oh!" i covered my mouth pretending to be surprised, "you guys are here too? ahah.." i let out a fake, nervous laugh. but then stopped as it didn't really help. i mean OF COURSE IT DIDNT WHAT WAS I EVEN EXPECTING

then i noticed them hold tickets to the same movie. "lets go, the movie will start soon" seungmin said as he grabbed my wrist to pull me in.

hyunjin grabbed my other arm and pulled me back, "she came here with me"

"didnt ask" seungmin replied, still holding my arm as they glared at each other

i sighed, "howw about we all watch it together? yeah?" i said as i smiled at both of them one by one, but they just glared at me as a response. true, bad idea, but i cant just stand here like nothing, its embarrassing. they dont even realise we're in public, so childish..

"let go of her" hyunjin said, but i quickly cut seungmin off before he could reply to that.

"we have a extra ticket right? i know someone who can join us" i said as i forcefully dragged my arm back from them, and called aera.


nevermind, didnt help either. now theyre just fighting over who im gonna sit with, seungmin doesn't want me with hyunjin and hyunjin wants me to sit with him because i was here with him, he's right but i cant really just ditch on seungmin so.. ughh

"why did you have to drag me into this?" aera whispered as she bugged me with her elbow. "shut up, be a good friend" i whispered back.

theres like 5 minutes to the movie and we're still out here.

"okay you know what? seungmin give me your tickets, me and aera are sitting together. enjoy your date both of you" i said as i grabbed the tickets seungmin was holding and pulled aera in, leaving both of them there. they can fight all they want, i'd rather watch a movie.

after the movie

so they did somehow end up sitting together, probably didn't wanna waste the tickets. me and aera had fun though.

"so what you guys up to after this?" aera asked as she sipped from her drink, we were sitting in a nearby cafe after we finished.

"i don't know" hyunjin said as he side-eyed me, "i thought we were gonna hang out because thats why i was doing the assig-" i quickly slammed the table before he would finish that sentence, "AHAH- i think we should all just go home im kinda tired" i said stirring my drink.

"yeah, i need to return too" seungmin said

"and you?" aera asked as she looked at hyunjin, who just sat there glaring at me like i slept with his wife. "ill leave too then, lets go" he said as he got up.

"you guys live nearby?" aera asked as she got up as well. "no, i live with her" he replied. seungmin rolled his eyes. aera looked at me in shock as i scrunched my eyes, this bitch cant keep his mouth shut can he?

"actually, change of plans. you guys go, me and y/n have some talking to do" aera said as she looked at me, i gave her a small nervous smile. theres like no getting out of this now.

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