Chapter nine: are you ready?

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*time skip to the weekend before the Yule ball*
Me, Draco, Theodore, and Tom are in the Slytherin common room

"Hey Theo what are wearing to the Yule ball by the way?" I ask

"Oh come on your going with him?!" Draco says all the sudden

"Hand it over" Tom says putting his hand out not taking his eyes off the book me was reading

"Ughhh" Draco says handing him money

"Thank you" Tom says counting the money and putting it away

"I don't see why you need the money your literally rich" Draco says

"Oh for fucks sake you guys were betting on me?" I say annoyed

"It's not just you, we bet on pretty much everyone in the school to" Theo adds

"SO YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS?" I say getting even more annoyed

"Knew about it? How do you think I get all the money I have? My father?" He says pulling out a cigarette and lighting it

"Yeah and I owe a lot of money to a lot of people now thanks to you" Draco says rolling his eyes

"Im ashamed of you guys" I say

"Why just because we were betting on you?" Pansy says coming out of our dorm

"You too? really? And no I'm not upset because you were- are betting on me, I'm upset  because you didn't let me join in the money making"

"Well now your a part of it" Theo says

"Whatever anyways what are you wearing to the Yule ball Theo?" I ask again

"Why?" He asks blowing out a puff of smoke

"So I can match up my outfit with yours" I say

"Just wear whatever and I'll wear a suit" he says

"Alright fine but then I'm getting the tie for you at least" I say getting up from my seat to go to my dorm and Pansy followed

"Hey pans?" I say plopping down on my bed

"Hm?" She does the same

"You wanna go dress shopping with me for the Yule ball when we go to hogsmeed tomorrow?" I ask

"Yeah sure!" She says excitedly "can't wait!" She said

*time skip to the next day in hosmeed*

"So where do you want to get your dress?" I ask Pansy

"WOAH LOOK AT THAT DRESS OVER THERE" Pansy yells grabbing my arm and yanking me to the store with the pretty grey dress in the window

As soon as we walked in Pansy walked to the woman at the front desk "hello how can I help you?" The woman said sounding bored not looking up from the magazine she was reading "hello can you help me try on the dress from the window" Pansy says to the lady "hmm" she looks pansy up and down "you sure you can afford that sweetheart" she says "EXCUSE M- "let's just go Pansy" I say cutting her off

As we were walking out Pansy just looked as if she had just seen a ghost

"OMG LOOK AT THOSE DRESSES THEY WOULD ALL LOOK SO GOOD ON YOU!!!" Pansy says grabbing my wrist and practically running to the dress shop with the beautiful green dresses in the window (it was a different one then the last one)

"Hello and welcome my name is Lynn so you need any help today or are you just browsing" the employee said

"Yes we actually do need some help we want to try those dresses on" Pansy says pointing to the dresses in the window

"Ah yes three of our most pretty dresses in my opinion" the employee said smiling and walking to the back and returning 30 seconds later with a big green dress in her hands "follow me please" she says

We both follow her and she leads us to a changing room

"Alright try one this dress first and I'll go get the others and if you need anything just lemme know" she says with a warm smile and handing me the dress

"Alright thank you" I say walking into the dressing room and Pansy waited outside the curtains

I tried the first dress on "what do you think Pansy?"  I ask

"Wow.. I think if you added some fishnets with it and  black heals it'll look even more perfect"

This is the first dress (with the fishnets as you can tell):

"You look so hot" Pansy said "It looks really good on you" the employee said"Here's the next dress" she said handing me another dress

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"You look so hot" Pansy said
"It looks really good on you" the employee said
"Here's the next dress" she said handing me another dress

The second dress looked like this:

The second dress looked like this:

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"O.M.G That's GORGEOUS" Pansy says
"Wow you look beautiful in this one" the employee says "and here's the last one" she says handing it to me

This is the last one:

"Wow you look so good in all of these" the employee said

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"Wow you look so good in all of these" the employee said

"Yeah I don't really know which one is best"
Ok so here's we're you people come in bc I don't either know which one looks best on you so you choose :) but you have until Wednesday to vote bc I don't want to wait to long to make the next chapter...


Y/N x Matteo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now