Chapter twenty five: The Train Ride (summer addition)

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*a few weeks before summer vacation*
Y/n's pov:

"Matteo?" I ask laying down on his bed (dw we fixed the headboard since.. the incident)

"Yes?" He says laying down next to me

I lay on my side to face him And he does the same

"I'm going to be staying with you and the Malfoy's at Malfoy Manor this summer" I say with a small smile

He smiles back "good" he kisses me "so how do convince luscious to let you stay?" He says still very close to my face

"I have my ways" I say

"Oh yeah?" He says getting even closer so our lips were less then an inch away from each other

"Yeah" I say and with that our lips were touching

"Hey guys I- never mind" Pansy says walking in and out in two seconds

Me and Matteo burst out laughing

*time skip*

"You all ready to go princess?" Matteo asks

"Almost I just have to put Kaa in her tank for now" I say opening up the little habitat I made for my beloved pet snake and she slithers in coiling up under a little bit of bark that was in her tank

"Alright now I'm ready" I say

And with that Matteo whispers a quiet "Windgardium leviOsa" (not leviosA) and out trunks fly up above our heads

The dark haired boy takes my hand and we walk to the carriages that take us to the train

*time skip to on the trains*
After some searching, me and Matteo found the compartment where Draco was in the corner and Pansy was sitting on Blaises lap and they were practically eating each other by the window

Matteo goes in first putting away our trunks and sitting in the other seat by the window

I take out Kaa and let her rap around my neck

"Heyy I wanted a window seat" I say crossing my arms

"Well so do I" he says


Matteo pulls me onto his lap and smiles at me "compromise" I smile back at him and peck him on the lips "compromise" I say back

"Aww you guys are so cute" some random girl says and we all turn to her


"Who the hell are you?" Tom says

"Tom!! That's rude" Pansy said hitting him on the shoulder

"What? We were all thinking it" Tom says and we all role our eyes

"Omg.. what he meant was well um who are you?" I ask

"She's my girlfriend" Theo says appearing out of nowhere

"She your- wait when did you get here?" I say getting really confused "I didn't know you had a girlfriend" Pansy adds

"Yeah I don't think we're really gonna work out sorry.. what's your name again?" Theo says but the girl just gives him a hurt look and walks out of the compartment

"Ooh.. harsh" Matteo says

"Yes well She was kind of a bitch anyways and I did remember her name I just wanted to end it with her already" Theo says casually as if he had done this before (which he probably has since he has a new girlfriend like every week)

Anyways.. the rest of the train ride we just talked and read and I ended up moving to the seat next to Matteo but then I ended up falling asleep on his shoulder

"Hey love" I hear someone say softly

"Mmm five more minutes" I say cuddling up to the handsome boy a little more

"I'm sorry princess but you have to get up the train stopped" he says

"Well a princess needs a kiss to wake up right?" I ask opening my eyes a little before squeezing them shut again and I feel Matteo turn my head so I'd be facing him and kissed me

I open my eyes and smile

"You guys are gross"

"Oh shut up Tom" I say

"Yeah just because you couldn't get a girlfriend if your life depended on it, doesn't mean you can judge me and mine" Matteo says making me giggle a little
Sorry this is kinda shitty but I hope you like it..

Y/N x Matteo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now