Chapter forty three

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*time skip to the end of the break*
"Oh shit- Shit shit shit-

"Knock knock" Mattheo says as he knocks on the  door

"Oh uh- in here" I wipe away a tear

"You all packed?" He raps his hands around my waist but I pull away


"Is everything ok?"

"uh- yeah my stomach just hurts" I say and I quickly walk out

*time skip*
*on the train*

"Hey y/n!!" Pansy says

I looked up from my spot "You're in a good mood" I note

"And you aren't.. what's wrong?" She asks sitting next to me

"Nothing.." I lightly smile "but why are you so happy huh? I haven't seen you this happy since- well I don't think I have seen you this happy.."

"We'll.." she says excitedly "me and hermione are going out." She practically squeals



"Wow.. uh- congrats" I say surprised and she smiles even more

"Hey theo" I get up and give him a hug
"Hello y/n" he says happily hugging me back

We pull away and he looks at me for a second

"Are you ok y/n?" He asks suspiciously

"Er- of course. W-why wouldn't I be?" I say nervously

"Dude I've known you for like- ever. I pretty much know you better then you know yourself, what's wrong?" He asks

"Nothing.." he gives me a look "siriusly" I say sitting down

Everyone else comes into the compartment and we go back  to Hogwarts

*time skiiip*
Everyone was back settled in and I was sitting in my dorm just reading

"Hey y/n we're having a party later you wanna come?" Pansy asks

"sure" I say

"Ok" Pansy says with a smile then leaving the dorm again before she came back "oh and where something hot" she smirks mischievously "oh and Hermione is coming too.. ok bye now" she says finally actually leaving

i chuckle ] to myself and continue on with my book.

*tiiiimme skiiiiiip. again.*

"y/nnn you finally decided to join us!" theo says drunkenly

"dude how much did you drink already the party like just started, jeez." i say

"oh come on lighten up, its a party. you're supposed to get drunk at a party." he says

"ok, you have fun with that" i say walking over to a very nervous looking draco\

"hey whats wrong?" i ask him

"i-i didnt know that harry was gonna be here.."

"oh shit"

"yeah" he nervously bites his nails

"hey dont do that." i slap his hand down


"you'll thank me later. anyways, i think its time to put on your big boy pants and go talk to him" i say gesturing at harry

"i dont think im ready-

"sucks." i push him towards harry, he looks at me and mouths 'i hate you' i smile "you'll thank me for that too" i whisper and he turns to harry awkwardly

i walk away but not before bumping into mattheo

"hey beautiful"

"hello darling" i smile at him

"would you like something to drink?"he asks

"well what is there?"

"oh just the usual fire whisky, some other random alcoholic drinks, punch that was probably spiked, soda that was also probably spiked and water, i wouldn't trust the water either tho to be honest."

i chuckle at the choices before answering "no thank you"

"are you sure? I hear spiked punch is the best type of punch" he jokes

"Yeah no thank you.. oh my-


"Ok uh don't look now but Draco and Harry are um.. kind of eating each other?" He turns to look and I slap him on the arm "I said don't look now!"

We look at each other and start laughing

"Well I think I'm gonna go to my room if that's ok" I say

"Aww fine, but just warning you I saw Pansy and Hermione going into your room a couple of minutes ago"

"Oh maybe I won't go to my room.. mind if I sleep in your room tonight?" I ask

"Of course not love but why are you going to sleep so early?"

"Oh- uh- I'm just really tired right now, that's all" I say

"Alright then sleep well princess" he kisses my hand and smiles at me as I walk away

Not drinking huh?
I think I'm mostly gonna edit some of the chapters before adding very much to the story but I love you all and I hope life is treating you well

If not gimme a name and I'll take care of it :)


Y/N x Matteo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now