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"OH MY DAMN GOD" Aera jumped on your bed and pulled you in an bone cracking hug.

You both jumped on the bed like springs while celebrating your acceptance in the most renowned university in Korea.

"Babe, I told you, every university would like a genius student like you to work with them." 

"I know" You flipped your hair and chuckled.

Your best friend was probably more excited than you but you were internally screaming. Finally, after all these years, you would step in Seoul. Many students found it weird in your school once you told them that how happy you were, going there. Maybe it was just a thing for them but you waited for this for your entire school life.

"By the way, I just heard a rumor. About you"

"about me?" You suspiciously moved your head.

"Yeah, it's quite terrible and extremely stupid but like- so apparently, the students think that you and Jungkook and dating"

"Me and Kook? That's the most ridiculous thing I have heard in years. He's a bitch"

"A good looking one"

"Well...........that's sadly true" You chuckled.

"But you know, I think will be a lonely bean once i move to Seoul"

"You won't, you have your cousin living right across your house. What was his name again?"

"Min Yoongi"

"Ah Yes"

"So" She added, "When are you supposed to go? Should I help you pack?"

"Probably in one week" You finished solving your rubik's cube and glanced at her.

"At least text him that you would be coming, you would give him a heart attack if you just showed up"

"Oh well, I love to give him heart attacks" You smirked.


"Cheers!" Glasses filled to the top with Apple Martini crashed  together as your parents held a big smile on their faces along with Mr. and Ms. Jeon. 

Your parents decided to have a little get together with their high schoolmates since you were finally going to Seoul. Yes, the only way you tolerated to Know Jungkook was because of your and his parents being best mates in high school. Weird right? Both of your Mom's had married their childhood crush. Well, even their personalities got along. Both were very outgoing and bossy.

 You once got to know from your grandmother that when your father was crying on his wedding out of happiness, your mother was crying because she didn't get to eat any cake before your grandfather could walk her down the aisle. 

Right now, Jungkook was seated beside you, staring at the rice served by the waiter. Since he had misbehaved a bit, he was forced to eat curd rice while the rest of you were slurping spicy noodles.

He suddenly started laughing out of nowhere which made you curl your lips in annoyance.

"Is the rice funny to you?" You snapped at him, already annoyed by his presence.

"I am thinking that once you rot old, your hair will look exactly like this rice. Whitewashed" 

You mildly scoffed, "Well you see Jeon, being three months older than me, you should worry more"

You could hear your mom giggling and patting your back. "I have raised you well"


One week flew much faster than you thought. It felt like two days and now you had to go to Seoul. As much as you were excited, you would miss living with your parents and the friends you had made here. Soft memories would always tend to leave a big impact on your heart. Your room, the one in which you had lived for all the past years up until now. You were going to miss it all. After all, you were at least going to be there for four years till you graduate.

One way, you were really happy, the distance between Seoul and Busan wasn't that much but you definitely couldn't drop off here on every weekend. You schedule would become more complicated and your study hours would increase. You would have to find a part time job and basically, it was all about multi- tasking.

Secondly, you would love to piss the idiot of a cousin that you have. You were meeting him after a long interval of 1 year. Your age gap was two years but that was the last thing that mattered. How much ever he showed that he hated you, he loved you a trillion times more. That was Just how Yoongi was. Idiotic, lazy and lovable.


You exited the station and looked around. Seoul was beautiful. You could point out many building with skyscrapers towering other small structures.  Cherry trees were grown on the road dividers and it just felt heavenly. It was a hundred times more modernized than what Busan was. You could also see the famous Namsan tower. It was all Just amazing.

You reached at the duplex which your parents had bought for you to stay in. The street was blessed with a lot of trees and you might have come across a pool on your way. 

You entered it,  placed your luggage and washed your face. The house was medium- sized and comfortable as it gave you a lot of leg room. The furniture had already been set up, probably by the workers. Your parents made sure that your fridge was filled with foods you liked the first time.  As you changed into a hoodie from your uncomfortable t-shirt which you were forced to wear because you were travelling, a person came across your mind.

 You walked up to a specific house you knew too well and a big smile materialized on your face as you rung the door bell. You missed him a lot more than you thought.

Your breath hitched when you heard the door unlocking.

"You!" Yoongi exclaimed. He was clearly pretending how annoyed he was by your presence. That was the only way his greetings followed every time he met you. 

"My life had to be so bad!" He wiped his imaginary tears while leaning on the door frame.

Nevertheless, he engulfed you into a tight hug and whispered, "You're back, my little devil"

"To be a pain in the ass" He finished as he lightly chuckled in your ear, tightening the hug.

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