Aera's the problem?

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" I'm going to fucking curse her existence" Yoongi's voice boomed through the his house.

"I think the fuck not yoongs, calm your tits down." You massaged your forehead.

"She is absolutely nuts, in high school, she knew that you liked Jungkook right? still, she confessed to him" your brother angrily snapped while ruffling his hair.

"wait- how do you know that?" 

"I-, what?"

You narrows your eyes before reluctantly walking towards him, "how do you know that?"

"I might have gone to see her" He huffed.

"You did not-"

"I MEAN! she dare hurt my little sister"


"That's not the problem right now" Hoseok interrupted. "she came to meet me a few days ago and confessed a few things"

"She really is clinging onto everybody" Yoongi expressed his unwanted opinion which you chose to ignore.

Hoseok shot him a typical side-eye look before proceeding, "Anyways, so she came and said that she was extremely sorry for his deeds and would like to meet Hana before she flew to the states"

"good radiance" Your brother commented.

 "Why is she flying to the states?" You worriedly asked.

"Why do you care?" you looked at Yoongi with a 'done' expression that clearly asked him to shut his trap but he didn't get the hint.

"Well because she's my friend. Anything else? and Hoseok, tell her that I would like to meet her too. I'm leaving" You picked up your thrown backpack from the couch.

"No you're not-"

"Yes I am Yoongs."

"Where are we going?" Jungkook said while standing up from the couch and gathering his belongings while yawning.

"No idea. By the poolside maybe?" you dimly suggested.

"To recreate the kis-?" You swiftly slammed your hand on his mouth as he sealed his mouth while you could sense Yoongi flaring up on your side as you hurriedly dragged Jungkook out of the house.

"I'm so dead" he shook his head in concern 


"Hey" Aera subtly said while placing a small bag on the table.

"What's this?" Your eyes traced the fancy bag.

"Just a small gesture. Anyways, so, how are you doing?"

"Really good, It's just that-"

"Can't we order something to eat?" A whiny voice interrupted you.

"Shut up kook" You snapped while running your hand through your hair.

"You were saying?" Aera signaled for your continuation,

"It's just that there's a lot of work at uni and my job, and I'm not getting any sleep"

"Sounds a bit stressful but you'll get over it hopefully" she gave you a reassuring smile. "So hana, I uh- wanted to say something to you. Jungkook if you could spare us a mom-"

"No" he crossed his hands and put on a stern expression.

"Jungkook, get out" You patted his shoulder.

He gave you a look of betrayal before stomping out of the cafe.

"I'm sorry Hana." she looked down, at her lap.

"That day when you and Jungkook came to visit me, I couldn't really tell you the entire truth because he was present but now that I'm telling you, I understand if you get mad at me. 

In 10th grade, It was the starting I guess, I started to really like Jungkook, which I admit was wrong since I had heard from 8th standard that he liked you. But Hana, I cannot help how I should feel about somebody. I know it was wrong to confess to him after you told me that you felt the same towards him. I think that's my weakness. I just want to get whatever you had. Social life, dating life, physique and popularity. I felt like an outcast. I felt terrible after confessing to him. At that time, your mom got into a accident and I didn't want to pressurize you more. Jungkook agreed with that and we both kept quiet and then it was good forgotten. But I met him here again and my feelings crept up to me again. Look, you have all right to be mad at me. I sincerely apologize. I'm so sorry, I really mean it Hana. Is there anything I can do to to make it up? "

You smiled a little, "I don't see a reason why you envied me back in 10th. Isn't that what we humans always do? craving for things, habits and people we don't have but instead, crying over something and not valuing oneself? I was mad at you, but I never listened to your side of the story. I felt neglected when I heard the fact you confessed to him , and then you stopped talking to me after having a fight with Jungkook which was about me. But I guess humans also make mistakes. I get it, you're guilty and accepting that you have made a mistake and I appreciate it. However, I need time to figure out my approach."

She immediately agreed to your response as her eyes lit up, " of course, take your time"

"When are you leaving for the states?"

"a month later. I'll be returning in 2 months though."

Al right then, you stood up while picking up the gift bag you received from Aera before exiting the Cafeteria just to meet a impatient Jungkook who tugged at your shoulder, complaining about his hunger. So, as it goes without saying, you both went for a nice dinner outside which had to be his treat.

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