Yoongi's heart hospital

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The air in the room felt thick with the intense gaze of Min Yoongi who looked like he was about to rip you off the living realm. 

"So you're telling me that you're not dating" He eyed you cautiously.

"We're not" You blankly looked at him.

"Don't lie at my face"

"I'm not! geez Yoongi, give me a break and stop being so restrictive."

"I'm being restrictive! you remember the loser who stalked you around in 10th because he liked you? Do you want that to happen again?" He towered above you while angrily cupping his waist.

"Jungkook is not him"

"and how do you know that young lady? You have not seen the world yet"

"You think you have seen it more? You're just two years older" You gave him a 'Lol bish' look which he took very seriously and kicked you out of his turf.

So technically, there were two things bothering you these days. One- Yoongi and the other,  Jungkook. For some  yet-to-be-found reason, he was being exceptionally flirty and cheeky these days, till the point where you wanted to slap his pretty face so that he could shut up.

You answers were always iconic though, once he tried his luck on a outdated pick up line, "Can I get a map to your heart sweetie?" . It was a good shot, but you wouldn't want to admit it. Therefore, to sum up the conversation for the entire day, you sleekly responded, "I hate geography". This was just one of the not-so-romantic replies you gave him. 

These days, due to work overload, you both couldn't really meet , that meant no pick up lines but Jungkook, came up with a boom plan to kept reminding you of his existence by developing a new habit of texting you. 

Immature pervert: Hey Hana, do you want to get ice cream today evening?

Me: No. Not at all.

You turned off your phone and rolled your eyes.  At this point, you didn't even know what to do cause he would text you all day. Jungkook was so persistent that even when you told him, that you didn't want to talk to him, he got down to texting.

It was basically, his new hobby.

And in this span of time, you had named him ridiculously in your contacts. Some even included annoying rabbit, dumb boomer, annoying piece of bitchy shit, butthead and your present one, immature pervert.

Immature pervert: Oh come on, let's do that. 

Me: I don't like ice cream

Immature pervert: Then what kind of cream do you like??

You didn't reply back. You clearly stated that you didn't like ice cream( which was a big lie) , then why was he asking which type. His next text made you widen your eyes and gasp, but as always, you were a smooth talker.

Immature pervert: .... Don't tell me😏😏

Me: Buzz off


Immature pervert: Hana, what do you think about going to Busan?

Me: No.

Immature pervert: Whyyy? You know, you get a lot of tasty things in Busan🥴

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