Hoba for life

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Now there were three people with whom you were not talking to. In Aera's case, you didn't hear of her since she left from Yoongi's place. Jungkook needed time and you were annoyed at yoongi.

So for a day or two, you went over at hoseok's to clear up your mind. Everything about him was so warm and welcoming, you absolutely adored spending time with him. You shared about the entire situation as he gasped, "It's like a Kdrama"

"I know right! I mean, how could this happen? That also to me?"

"aye- but most confusing is why Yoongi didn't tell you"

"I ain't talking to him for that"

"he must have had his reasons. Just hear him out sometime"

"I guess" You curtly responded.

"and about Jungkook, confront him after going back" Hoseok suggested.

"I'm thinking of that, he ignored me the other day though"

"It ain't gonna hurt to try again. About Aera, I'll let you know if I am informed of her whereabouts"

"Leave it. She probably doesn't want to see me" your tone was glazed with disappointment.

"you're not mad at her?"

"I am, a bit. I just cannot get angry on her"

"You sure have a big heart" he said while answering his phone.

"Put it on speaker" you could hear the faint voice of Yoongi over the line.

Hoseok pressed on the speaker logo while looking confused af.

"Hana, you're there aren't you?" He said as your eyes widened to the fullest.

"How did you know?" You said in utmost surprise.

"What do you mean? do you have anywhere else to go? Now come back here this instant"

"not happening"

"running away ain't going to help. Come back here"

"nah. I'm having a sweet time with Hobi"

"That's sweet. Now hurry up before I cut out your monthly allowance" he hung up.

You IMMEDIATELY booked a cab.


"What?" you snapped.

"That's the first thing you say to me?" Yoongi snarled.

"can't you say I'm angry at you?"

"I can. But at least hear me out"

"Fine. Only because hoba advised me to do so"

You both entered his house as he offered you a drink.

"So, your mom told me that Jungkook liked you in 7th and so was ignoring you in 8th. That's the moment I despised him. So, when he came here, I recognize him from the description your mother gave. Good looks, uneven lips and bad hair. Though recently, I figured out one of his traits myself"


"Bad attitude" He grunted. "Moving on, she wasn't sure or else I would have told you about it. However, when you were in 10th, your mom called me up again and this time, she was pretty sure that he liked you but, Aera confessed to him. Then, you told me that you might like him. Knowing all this, she had the sheer audacity to confess. What could I do? tell and break your heart or worsen your friendship?"

"You still should have told me when I came here"

"Well, everything seemed fine when you came here so I didn't say anything"

"whatever" you tossed your soda can into the bin and laid down on the couch.

"aish! this is frustrating" You picked at your hair. "Now what do I do with Aera?"

"Is that even a question? Don't care, she'll apologize when she has to"

"No way Yoongs, I can atleast say sorry"

He gave you can disgusted look, "Why would you?!!! You have done no bullshit in your life. Let her come"

"But she's my friend" your tone was ever so soft.

"You ain't looking for her if you're my sister"

"that's all you care about"

"what's that supposed to mean? Of course I care about you and not her. Not after she stirred up the entire situation. She's more annoying than Jiwoo"

"Don't talk about her like that, she could have her reasons" you lowly spoke.

"ShE CouLD HavE HER ReasONS" he mocked in a high voice before rolling his eyes.

"and about Jungkoo-"

"Don't even think of approaching him"

"whyyyy? what did he do?"

"He is the main cause of this"

"No he isn't. It isn't his fault that Aera confessed"

"He isn't even good looking" Yoongi proceeded to check himself out in the mirror.

"Of course he is, more than you" You smirked.

You heard a extra-loud scoff, "You don't get the beauty standards these days. Don't talk to me woman"

"Btw" He added, "Do you still like him?"

You kept silent for a while before responding, "I ain't sure"

"Means you do" He rolled his eyes while cracking his knuckles.

"I said-" you protested but were cut off, 

"It has to be no or yes, if it's in between, you definitely like him. Wait- don't tell me you both dated" He stormed towards you.

"Yoongi! you know my dating history. Stop overreacting"

He didn't say anything for a while until you decided to break the silence, "Fine, I might still have some feelings lingering around"

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