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Vivian greeted the familiar man as she entered her house, nearing a week after she had met him. The older man sat on the leather couch, watching the football game.

"Vivian," Benjamin greeted her as she entered the foyer. He pushed back his sleeve to check his watch and said, "Isn't it a little late for you to be just arriving at home?"

Vivian wanted to snicker, but she pushed her lips into a sarcastic pout. "What are you going to do, ground me?"


Vivian sent him a small, sarcastic smile which interrupted his words. "Have fun watching the game."

After seeing the twisted look on Benjamin's face, she retreated to her bedroom up the messy staircase.

Vivian shut her bedroom door, twisting the lock on her door and looking around the bedroom she had left the morning before. She shivered, noticing the colder temperature in her room.

Unfortunately, due to the colder weather and snow in Rhode Island, her room was becoming America's very own Antarctic.

"You'd think," She muttered to herself frustratingly, "with the amount of money my dad gives in child support, we'd be able to afford central heating. Goddamn."

She was right.

With the amount of money her dad made, and with the amount of money he paid to Cassandra each week, you'd think she'd at least have a few new clothes every now and then and possibly some central heating.

Vivian's hands found her phone from her hoodie pocket and she scanned through the texts she had received. A few messages about her soccer practice from her coach, a few texts from her mom, and one from her dad— which caught her eye.

Her eyebrows flew together as she pressed on the message and unlocked her phone. She read the words on the screen and she nearly lost color in her face

The text message read,

Hey honey, It's your dad. I hope you know it's your dad. Anyway!
me, Ashton, Michael and Calum have a job conference in your area
this coming week. Thought I should let you know. I should be there
in 2 days!

Also, I know it's a bit of a short notice. Sorry. I hope you're just as
excited to see me as I am to see you. I love you, sweetheart. Xx

Vivian blinked a few times.
Did she expect a text from her dad? Yes. But did she expect it to be a 'I'm coming to Rhode Island!' text? No.

"Oh fuck," She carried out the swear word, throwing her phone down on the bed. Her hands reached her dark blonde hair, her hands held the hair in fists.

How was she going to tell her mom? Did she already know? Why didn't Cassandra tell her?

She knew she was overreacting just a wee bit— however, here's a little secret. Luke Hemmings did not know Cassandra Goldstein was
1. Using drugs in the same household as his daughter— or using them at all.
2. She was a freaking sex therapist. In the same household as her daughter.

And considering the very disturbing office downstairs, it was difficult to keep it a secret from people who entered the house.

She put her lips between her teeth and bit down harshly. Vivian's mind raced a million miles a minute as she miraculously began to think.


Her head shot right up, she thought she might've gotten whiplash. She blinked. "Mom." She exhaled, bringing her hands down from her hair. "Yes?"

"Well I was going to ask— Are you okay?" Cassandra froze mid sentence— noticing the very distressed view of her daughter. Her hair was a mess, her cheeks were red, and her eyes were laced with lies.

"Yes." She said, a little too quickly. "What were you going to ask?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to dinner with me and Benjamin tonight?" Cassandra asked. "We're going to that little restaurant in downtown Newport?"

Vivian's face grimaces. Unfortunately, she had experienced the same restaurant she knew her mom was referring to. One that had made her sick too many times.

"No." She shook her head, "I'll stay home."

Cassandra couldn't help but let a small frown on her lips as she slowly nodded. "We'll be home late. Don't wait up."

"I won't. Be safe, mom."

That night, Vivian sat at her old desk with her legs in a criss-cross position and her head hung low as she wrote in her geometry notebook. Her hands wrote ever so gently while her eyes flickered between her computer and the notes that trailed.

However, her body jolted when she heard the ringing tone of her phone. She looked over and saw the contact of her father on her phone. She inhaled.

Vivian picked up the phone and brought it to her ear.

"Hello?" She spoke.

"Viv!" Luke Hemmings cheered. "Hi honey, how are you?"

Awful. "I'm fine. How are you, dad?" She responded back, hoisting her legs up on the bed.

"I'm alright. I wanted to call to let you know I'm packing right now, and I was wondering if you wanted me to bring anything from my house to yours. Like, you know, some shirts you forgot. If you want, can I bring some extra cash? In case you need it?" Luke asked. His phone held up to his ear from his shoulder.

He noticed the small hesitation in his daughters voice when he asked how she was.

Vivian smiled a bit. "No, it's okay. You can keep all of the shirts. I'll be there on Christmas." She responded. "And no cash. Keep it."

"Ha," Luke laughed. "You know I don't need it. I'm a surgeon. You know I'm here if you need cash, angel, you've just gotta ask."

Deep down, Vivian so desperately wanted to at least be for 20 dollars. All she wanted was an extra blanket. It sounded stupid, but her bed felt like there were a dozen ice bags underneath the fabric. But she bit back her words.

Vivian swallowed and faked a laugh. "I'm alright dad, don't stress. What time are you going to get here?"

"Well, we'll be there early in the morning. We're going to leave for the airport tomorrow at 7 pm, because Ashton won't stop nagging, even though our flight isn't until 2 am. You know how he is. Anyway, I should let you know, I will be at your school on the day we arrive. Dad daughter date!" He cheered, happily.

Vivian's lips broke out into a large smile. A day with her dad? Without anyone nagging? This sounds like a dream. "I would love that!" She said happily. "I can't wait to see you, dad."

"I can't wait to see you either, pumpkin."

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