soccer game.

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It took a very long time, but Luke was finally satisfied with the final agreement between him and Cassandra.

It was now Friday—the day before the last day Luke was going to be there and it was Vivian's soccer game. Michael was wearing black marker on his cheeks and was happily telling people that it was his niece on the way there.

"I'll be on the sidelines with my dad," Olive said, following behind Vivian as she walked onto the field. "We'll be cheering you on."

Vivian let a small smile curve on her lips as they reached the stands. She inhaled, "Thank you, Olive."

"Anytime, Vivi," Olive patted Vivian's shoulder. "I'll be up there waiting for our parents."

Olive blew a kiss to Vivian before turning and going up the stands, saying hello to people she knew before sitting down.

Vivian walked to the field with her head held up high and approached her friend, Jane. Jane was a fellow soccer player, the goalie.

"Hey," Jane greeted Vivian with a smile as she tied her shoes. "It's fucking freezing."

"I know," Vivian complained, holding her arms together. "Got any plans for Christmas?"

"Going to see my mom in Toronto," Jane said, standing up straight. "Divorced parents things."

Vivian let out a snort and held her hand up for a high five, which Jane accepted. She said, "You know it."

After a few minutes of standing around and waiting, Vivian saw her dad and uncles—along with Niall— approach the stands, going up to sit with Olive.

Vivian rushed over before her coach called for a meeting and her dad's eyes lightened when he saw her.

"Hey, sweetheart," He smiled, bringing his daughter into his arms and kissing the top of her head. "How was school?"

"Boring," She shrugged. "And freezing. Our schools are so cheap that they won't turn on heaters."

Luke let out a small laugh and pulled away. He ruffled his daughter's hair, "I'm sorry, love." He hummed, "Before you go out, I was wondering if after the game you wanted to go get some food. As a celebratory thing."

Vivian grinned. "I'd love to. See you later, dad."

Vivian gave her dad a kiss on the cheek before rushing out to the field where her coach was beckoning her. The 10 girls of the soccer game rounded around the coach as she barked orders.

Vivian's coach, Ms. Aisha was a wonderful coach to the girls. She was strict, but lovable.

"You girls know this team is sort of.." She inhaled slightly. "I expect you guys to do your best. Good luck, girls,"

Vivian and the girls began.

It was cold, and annoying with the other team having absolutely no fucking idea what to do. Jane ran up beside Vivian and mumbled, "What the fuck are they doing?"

To which, Vivian mumbled back, "Fuck, if I know."

It's safe to say you know if they won or not. (Spoiler alert, they did.)

Vivian rushed over after the game was done to her dad, who was holding his arms out—ready for his daughter to run into them.

Vivian jumped into her dad's arms and he spun her around, saying. "Good job, sweet girl!"

Vivian giggled when Michael picked her up with a giant hug. "You did good, even though I don't understand soccer,"

An hour later they all were at a restaurant. Olive sat next to Vivian and Luke sat on the other side of Vivian. They all laughed like a real, happy family.

It made Vivian both sad and happy—because she knew she wouldn't be able to enjoy this for much longer.

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