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Christmas had come and passed by now, and it was officially the last day before Vivian would get before going to Garden High School.

"Are you nervous?" Luke asked, setting down a plate of mac and cheese in front of her.

Vivian took her fork and shrugged. "There's a lot to be nervous about, but it's fine. I'll be fine."

Luke was probably more nervous than she was. His daughter started school in a new state, and without Olive next to her, she'd be alone until she made a friend.

That night, she went to sleep and woke up ready for a new day — of school.

Vivian got up and did everything she thought of. After breakfast, she brushed her teeth and hair, put everything she needed into her backpack and got changed and headed downstairs again.

"You look cute!" Michael smiled. "I hope you have a good day, sweetheart."

Michael kissed the top of her head before she walked out to the car where Luke was, warming it up. She put her backpack into the backseat and there she went.

Garden High School was a lot nicer than she anticipated. A bunch of students who all looked pretty nice, and whatnot.

"Alright angel," Luke smiled. "Have a good day, okay? Ashton is going to pick you up because I have a surgery scheduled for 2:30. But I'll be home around 6, in time for dinner. I love you."

"I love you too, dad." Vivian leaned over and Luke kissed her head.

Vivian left the car and grabbed her backpack before saying goodbye to her dad once again. She walked into the school and to the front office, grabbing her schedule and whatnot — getting directions to the correct place.

Her first period was Pre AP Calc, which she didn't like. But she was at that level right now. She made a friend with the girl who sat next to her named Belle. Vivian lended her a pencil.

Her second period was American Literature, which she actually enjoyed. She made 2 friends at the table she sat at, Eloise and Oliver. They were nice.

Her third period was Chemistry, which she liked. Her teacher was a bit rude. She made a friend again, named Margot. She was very sweet. Vivian got her social media, too.

Her fourth period was Poetry Appreciation, which she absolutely loved. Her teacher was so sweet and introduced her to the class. She made 3 friends, all at her table. Blair, Pierce and April.

She went to lunch and met up with Margot and Blair, who were actually really good and she sat with them. Margot was 17, her birthday was a week and Blair was 16, turning 17 in February.

She met 2 more of their friends, Tessa and Phillip. They were dating.

Vivian's fifth period was Greek Mythology History, which she was excited to take. Her teacher was decent, and she made another friend, Athena. Which was funny because Athena was a Greek Goddess.

Vivian's sixth period was French, which she was slightly good at. Her teacher was from France, and was sweet. She didn't make any friends, because she was tired.

So, when she went home, she went upstairs and fell on her bed — and instantly passed out. 

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