{1} Being Kidnapped...

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Hello, Welcome again, Hope you enjoy reading if I mess up on wording or something, please tell me but anyway, Enjoy! (BTW they have a new house bc they got a new one bc yes-)

Edd's pov:

I was randomly sitting on the couch, petting my cat, Ringo! Next to me on my left is Matt, He is very obsessed with mirrors for one odd reason-

There is also Tom! He drinks alot of alcohol and stuff which I think it's an unhealthy habit of his. But speaking of him, He said he would go to the store in a few minutes, Tom would come in saying "Guys I'm going to the store, want anything..?" (Imagine Tom getting them something tho-)

"Yes! Could you bring some cola for me?" I called out, "Bring me a mirror please!!" Matt would call out after me, "Fine.." Tom would answer in a grumpy kind of way and left the house.

Toms pov:

I left the house, Deciding to do something good for Edd and Matt for once and get them something from the store since they will beg me anyway.

I continued walking to the store till I stopped and I had a sudden feeling.. I was being watched. The thing is, I hate being watched.. It's makes me feel very fucking uncomfortable. (Ever since the End P.2 ep, he gained trust issues cause of that)

I looked around and saw to people behind me, they were talking but looked weird. One was smoking with a bandage rapped around one of his eyes. The other's hair looked like shrimp for some off reason. ( I said that bc I saw a pic online that Patryk's hair looked like shrimp 😃😭) (pic above)

They were the ones looking at me, I hope they would stop looking and not be one of those people who would to flirt with me or something, I get that alot because of how I look.

I kept walking but couldn't shake the feeling off, I looked back and they were still there but closer.. One of them had a walkie talkie, saying something I couldn't make up off, But I heard from the walkie saying "It's him, get him now!"

I realized they meant.. me! They started coming at me but I ran away from them, luckily they weren't alot of people around ever since this person named Red leader would kill them if you don't join his army.

I ran and saw an alleyway that I could probably escape through, I ran in but it was a dead end!? Now I'm definitely screwed..

I looked back seeing the 2 men standing there, blocking my only exits. "Come with us Thomas, Or else.." Wait what!? " HOW DO YOU KNOW MY FUCKING NAME!? AND WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT FROM ME, I AIN'T COMING WITH YOU GUYS!" To me they sounded crazy, who goes with someone they don't know of!?

One ran at me tackling me to the ground holding me down, I was about to turn to my half monster form when the other "suffocated" me with sleeping spray. (Sleeping spray on a towel) The last thing I heard was "We got him, Sir." Then I blacked out..

Tords pov:

I heard that Paul and Patryk successfully got my Tom. So I walked over to a special cell we had only for him, while I was walking over I noticed that my army keeps growing because I threaten the people to join.

I finally made it but Tom was already awake, Odd I thought it would last longer. "Commie!? What are you doing here!?" Tom would say confused, he didn't know yet, that's kind of good but bad.

"Well I'll hope your enjoy time at my army because you'll be here for a long time.." I'd say chuckling. Tom got more angry, first he was kidnapped, now he has to stay here with me.

"Wait... YOUR THE RED LEADER GUY!?" He'd say finally realizing that. "Indeed I am!". What Tom didn't know, that there is a cell behind him, I ran at him pushing him in.

Kidnapped..? TordTom Fanfic (Remake) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now