{3} The Plan

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Yeah for ppl thinking Edd fell to his death he didn't I forgot to add he open his parachute and such anyway enjoy! I might add Edd x Matt 👀 (bc I'm built like dat)

If any mistakes comment on it and tell me so I can fix it.

Edd's pov:

I was landing down safely while thinking of Matt and hoping they wouldn't kill him, I started running as there are wanted posters of me now since they know I might be nearby and such.

I found a good spot to rest for now, I set my bag down(the parachute) as I was doing so, I heard Tords voice over a loud speaker everywhere basically forcing people to find me and I'm a bounty now... Great..

I needed to think of a plan to stop Tord from finding me and from hurting Matt, but how... I need to find survivors and start a rebel group. That will surely help me out!

Matt's pov: (👀)

I was being escorted somewhere while trying struggle out of their grip but it was no use, everyone was so strong but I'm weak... I can't even get out of their grip...

As I was trying to get out we finally made it to the room where Tim and Todd were there waiting but when they saw me, they  turned their attention to me.

" Hello Matt! I'm so glad that you're finally here! " He'd say with glee then turning to a evil looking grin. " What do you want Todd! " I'd say as the guards let me go.

" Nothing much, Just your help to find and capture Edd really.. " he'd say while getting closer to me. " I'll never help you! After what your doing I'll never help!! " I'd say with confidence.

" Awwww... I was hoping you'd just compile but now I get to have some fun... :) " He'd say coming even closer and grab one of my eyes with his robot hand then rip it out.

" WHAT- WHY WOULD DO THAT... IT HURTS...!! " I'd say crying while in the other eye was crying and leaking blood. " You help me find Edd, then I'll help you there! "

" NEVER! I WON'T!! " I'd say back while Tim gave him a knife and cut a small part of my chin. I cried in pain even more seeing the blood of my hands as I held my face.

" PLEASE STOP!! PLEASE ILL HELP JUST PLEASE.... S- stop... " I'd say choking on my sobs. He'd grin widely and looked at Tim before he told him, " Please help Matt out, Then come by my office for that private chat that I told you about ".

Todd would say that while Tim carried me quickly over to the medic room and so he could stop my bleeding.

He'd sit me on a bed then start wrapping a bandage around my chin then eye. " For the bandage around your eye, It's only temporary. So don't wrry about having to see from one eye, okay?" He'd ask me, I'd just agree afraid of what he could do.

He'd finish wrapping the bandage then tied it together to make sure it would stay. I looked at Tim he definitely wasn't himself, " Tim, Why are you doing this and will I ever have to see from one eye forever? " I'd say scared and afraid but asked anyway.

" I can try to help you get a new eye but idk if we can do that, we'll try but... I'm doing this bc u guys never repay me.. I always save you guys but u never do anything for me.. I'm sick and tired of it" He'd say mad.

" We didn't know Tim, sorry.. " I'd say feeling abit bad but knowing him he will probably forgive me. " Sorry won't fix your fucking mistake's! " He'd say angrily.

He'd come to me with a robotic looking eye and there were 2 other people, scientists I think... He'd stand there with the eye in his hand, I'd just stare at it then look up at him.

" I'm sorry for this Matt but this might hurt but it'll be over soon.. " He'd say shoving the eye into my 'missing eye' spot and I'd yell in pain, It'd hurt so badly. ( He did take the bandage off just lazy to add it)

I'd sit there crying as Todd came in the room noticing that Tim gave me the new eye. " I see Matt is suffering and trying to adjust to his new eye? ".

He'd say while I'd try to quiet down to hear the conversation. " Yes Red Leader, He is trying to but he was yelling in pain from it.

" I see, Well give him something so he doesn't continue bailing his eyes out, It'll annoy me if he continues it.." He'd say getting abit angry. Tim quickly ran and got a pill for me to take to stop the pain.

" Just take this and the pain should stop abit, so don't worry about it " He'd say handing it to me, without thinking I just took it but...

I started feeling odd, the pain did stop but my body started aching really badly and I didn't feel good.. It hurt so badly.. What was in it..!? I suddenly felt a sudden burst of a strong warm emotion then blacked out.

I could slightly here talking and heard a few things, I heard Todd and Tim talking and wondering what happen to me, To be honest I don't even know myself.. But it was really strange for what happen..

Tords pov:

After Matt blacked out we were wondering what was in that pill that Tom gave him, the scientist's figured out 10 minutes later that yes it does cure the pain but causes Matt to be a yandere? Or something like that in a way but one thing can cause a reaction.

We must be careful on what we do or say around Matt or it'll cause it to take effect in him, I'm abit worried for us to say the wrong thing.

" Sir what do we do about Edd? How will we- " Just as we was about to finish that sentence Matt was wake again, " What were you saying about Edd...? " He'd say with a pissed off look. We found the 'trigger' word.

Apparently Edd is the trigger word so he might have a crush on him probably. " Nothing we were wondering where Edd ran off too! Yeah that.. " Tom would say trying to cover it up but obviously failed.

Matt grab the closest thing to him, a random syringe, " OKAY, WHO PUT A SYRINGE NEXT TO HIS STAND HIM?! " I'd say freaking out abit as Matt got out of his bed looking pissed at us.

" If you dare to touch Edd then your done, I'll hunt you down till the day I.. die! " He'd say pointing the syringe at me.

" What are you going to do about it, huh? What can you do about it..? :) " I'd say with a sadistic looking grin, he'd smirk slightly with a yandere look in his eyes. (Don't ask-)

He'd put the syringe closer ready to stab it into me even though there was nothing in it, I'd quickly grab it from his hand and he was shocked from that quick movement.

" Don't you dare try to defy me again Matt.. or it could have got messy.. " I'd say with a bigger grin then walked away letting Tom deal with the issue. I need work to be done.

What work you may ask? ( AYO 4TH WALL MAN). Finding Edd and stopping him before he does anything he may regret...

Finally done, sorry for the slow update it's bc school and stuff weighs me down, I'm also starting a ellsworld book, yay more to wrry about but anyway go check it out and I'll try to get the next chapter out if I can. Bye peeps, Good morning, afternoon or night for you! ✌️

Edit: Link to my Ellsworld story: https://www.wattpad.com/story/302508316?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=Daphne1002&wp_originator=uhaZ2xQiArMBFZPk9GvNT%2B%2FUz7lvYNeeJOYbOKjQ7KcXva7K44yzFzU18iXNfBxIi3DhuJu1wZfiK1G216YYFDWEsmX3rgbCmdOZL0Dvn1tFYAngIBbw8eQ1IDu0O78p

2/15/22 -3/2/22
WC: 1313 words

Kidnapped..? TordTom Fanfic (Remake) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now