{2} Blind Eyes....

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Hello guys! Nice to see you here for chapter 2, I hope you'll enjoy it. Sorry for the slow update 😥 if any mistakes comment on it

Tords pov:

I got it! I knew exactly what I could get Tom to do for me and it will go along with my plan that I tried before when I visited them.

My plan could not fail this time since I have Tom with me safe and sound. (Anyone know that song 👀)

I will make him vr looking glasses because I stumbled upon some earlier. It will be perfect, it make effect him badly if we put it on him but it is sure to work.

The one thing is, I need him to work for me but of course he would say no, So I'm going to add some brainwashing tech into the vr so he will want to work for me.

I smirked at the plan I thought of and I knew it would go successfully since Tom wanted to do anything for me to help him after all.

I told the scientist's my plan so then we will be able to do more testing in the future and they agreed with it. For the first time in forever I think they were being honest with me and agreed.

Toms pov: (Who agrees rip Tom :') )

Tord called me to this testing room and I'm being escorted... BY THE FRIKIN PPL WHO KIDNAPPED ME.

We walked in and their were a few nurses, scientist's, and Tord. I walked into the small testing room box where most people were behind the glass.

I was abit nervous but my vision was more blurry, I hope Tord would finish that VR soon.

Tord suddenly came in and had... The vr!? I was happy that I was going to be able to see again, then I can maybe leave. But I was very wrong. (Ofc u were Tom 🙄💅)

Tord came up to me and said "Don't worry, it won't hurt... Forever.. " As he said putting it on my face, ontop of my eyes.

I got scared since they were dark at first because he didn't turn it on yet. I heard Tord back away a little till I felt sudden pain.

I felt the vr?? Digging into my skin and it hurts so bad, I fell to my knees on the ground screaming in pain trying to get them off. But they just wouldn't come off..

It hurted so badly, I tried to get them off but it was no use, it wouldn't come off. All I could do was scream for help and cry.

I eventually stopped like a robot malfunctioning (don't question dat plz-) but then stood up, I felt different... I felt like...

I needed to... Help Tord, protect him. But I've never felt this way, did he do something
I thought to myself as I just stood there hearing pens and pencils writing away

Tord came over to me whispering something to my ear. (Try guessing bc I will mention it later 👀) {In da story 👀}

I thought about it for a moment before blushing abit and agreed to it. (no it's nothing sussy 🙄💅 get ur head out of those thoughts)

So I was escorted to change into new clothes dat Tord made me. When I changed into them they looked really good. (Lazy to show a pic so search him or yeah-)

Then finally Tord turned on my VR thingy and I was able to see again, I saw Tord again and he looked the same. I saw the ppl who kidnapped me.

There names were Paul and Patryk but one of them flipped there name tag upside down I laughed abit before I became serious again.

But then I felt stronger-ish in a way, I'm not sure how or why but I just did.

Time skip brought to u by my laziness 😥

Kidnapped..? TordTom Fanfic (Remake) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now