11- The accident

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Rushing into the hospital, I swerve past multiple people as I try to slow my running to a normal pace.

I throw open the doors as I see Bella sitting on a hospital bed and Tyler looking concerned.

I rush up to her and I hug her

I pull away and I hold the side of her face as I look her over

"Are you ok?! Are you hur-" I stop mid sentence as I smell the most sickly sweet smell.

"Yes I'm fine" she says as she carry's on and I just keep staring at the gash on her forehead

I slowly let go of her face as I put my hand over my mouth in an attempt to stop the smell from penetrating my nostrils

"I promise you, I'm fine" she says as she pulls me into another hug and I breath in the scent of her blood again.

I can't help it... I'm still not used to the smell of blood, how can I be when it smells so delicious?

Trying my best to fight it, I feel my eyes turn and I begin to panic just as I hear the doors open.

Quickly pulling myself out of Bellas arms I turn around and bury my face into him, knowing he would be behind me.

"Is she ok?" Bella asks as she realises that I'm covering my face in his chest

Jasper mutters a reply as he ushers us both out of the hospital and I feel my fangs protruding through my gums

"It's ok, I'm getting us out"


After finding a secluded spot behind the hospital, Jasper pats my head and tilts my head to look at him. He sees my eyes, but doesn't mention it

"It will get better, Liana, I promise" he says as he sees the look of shame at loosing control on my face

"Jasper, I can't keep doing this... I can't keep putting my sister in danger... I think I need to leave"

Jasper blinks twice as he looks at me

"If that's what you want to do, that's what we'll do" he says as he looks me dead in the eyes no look of a joke in them

"You're serious?" I ask

"Of cause I'm serious, Liana" He says as he rubs my shoulders at arms length, our cold skin touching to create the illusion of warmth

"But your family, your parents, your house-"

"You. I want to be with you, no matter where"

"I have to tell Bella something" I say as I rub the back of my neck trying to remember that this will be for her own good.


It's been about a month and I'm still living with Bella and Charlie.

I've had a lot of incidents since that day at the hospital and some even ended in me having to use mind control on Bella.

I have and would NEVER drink from her... at least I would never do it in my right mind, but there have been times when I couldn't hide the affect her blood has on me and she has seen my fangs and eyes multiple times.

Of cause she doesn't know this, why would she when she has been subjected to my gift?

My talent is mind control. When a vampire turns they get a gift. For example, Jasper is an empathy, he can sense and change others emotions and Edward is a mind reader so he can... well I'll let you figure that out.

I got mind control. My talent means that I can look people in the eye and ask them to do something and they will. It's amazing, but it also has a down side

When I first got the gift, I didn't realise I had it, so I would ask others to do things and they would do them without me telling them why. I just thought that they were being nice, but then it got to the point were I was asking my teachers for extensions on homework and they said yes without a second thought and I knew something wasn't right.

It's a great gift, getting people to do what you want, like asking them to forget, but it's also a curse. Jasper.

Just like when I asked him if he wanted to leave, he said yes immediately. He's since tried to reassure me that it was his decision, but I still don't want to leave before I'm entirely sure he wants to.

Sometimes I would ask him things and he would get caught up in the gift as well, now I have to check and check and check that he WANTS to do what I'm asking him to do and it gets frustrating.

Sitting on the couch at Charlie's, I look up as I see Bella push open the front door with a smile on her face.

"Bella what happened?" I ask and she just shakes her head

"You wouldn't understand" she says with a smile, but I also see something I don't like.

"Why do you look so frightened?" I ask as she stops still

"I..I'm not frightened" she protests, but I see right through her

I don't need Jasper here to see that she is afraid I think as I stand close to her and I look her in the eyes

"Tell me what happened" I say again, this time with more power behind my question as my eyes glow red for a second

It's quite and then she begins to spill, the control I have over her telling her to

"I know what Edward is. He doesn't scare me. I'm frightened because i know I should be scared of him.... But I'm not" she says as she breaths our the last part after a second

I freeze

"He took me through the woods and I saw him sparkle" she says as I go ridged "I like him" she says as I tense

"Bella.... What is Edward?" I ask slowly and then she turns to look at me, still in her trance

"A Vampire"

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