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Soleil Reyes:
hey marcela ! hope you're
doing well.

this is really sudden and if
i cant do it, thats totally okay
but i was wondering if i could
add something to the book
before all the edits are finalized.

Marcela Williams (editor):
Hey, Soleil.

What type of changes are
we talking about?

If it's taking a few things out
or adding a few sentences in that'll
be okay, but any major changes will
have to go through the whole publishing
system again and we know how long that

Not to mention you might have to
obtain a new copyright for it if there
are significant changes and Evan Creeds might not want the changes.

Soleil Reyes:
yea, it would be very significant
but very important to me.

before Creeds took the book
Emira Collins said that she'd love
to take it if I added more angst to
Arabella and Mackie's relationship,

Marcela Williams:
Yes, but, I thought you said
you didn't want to change

Soleil Reyes:
i changed my mind.

i hope thats okay, i think
Collins will really like it.

Marcela Williams:
That would be very risky.

You would be risking the offer
you already have with Creeds and
if he found out he could potentially
drop his offer.

That could push you back months
if not years from publishing.

Soleil Reyes:
im ready to take that chance.

i really think my book needs this

if everything goes wrong i can
always self publish.

Marcela Williams:
You sure are stubborn as hell.

I'll see what I can do but you'll
have to do this discreetly.

What do you want to add
that it's this important to you?

Soleil Reyes:
a letter.

from mackie to arabella. one
that never got sent to her.

Marcela Williams:
It sounds great.

I'm sure it'll work out for you.

Soleil Reyes:
thank you for being so
supportive 😭

i wont disappoint. promise.

Marcela Williams:
You never do.

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