Chapter 20: Are you Afraid?

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I wake to my growling stomach. I was so busy trying to avoid everything yesterday that I forgot to eat anything. I make my way out of bed and head down to the empty cafeteria glad to get some food before I start my day. After finally getting something to eat I go do my normal morning routine.

Running is my escape. It helps me think and keep a semi-leval head. I hope to keep my normal routine but I don't know what part 2 of training will intel. Will I be able to continue this?

I kept looking at the clock making sure I didn't miss training. I still had some time so I just ran a little longer than normal; then it was time for me to head to training. I hurry and make my way down to the pit where we will be meeting for training today.

I made it to the pit on time and met up with the rest of the group who were already there.

"Nice of you to join us, King." My cheeks turn red with embarrassment as my eyes meet the cold blue eyes from the back of the group.

Everyone was looking between the both of us feeling uncomfortable with the tension. Finally four broke the awkwardness in the air.

"Alright listen up. Stage 2 is starting now so no backing out now."

Four turns and starts walking.

"Follow me to where you will be training for the next few weeks."

We all follow him as he leads us to our new training area. He opens a door ushering us all in. Inside was a wide open room with a big monitor on the wall and a chair sitting in the middle of the room. We all pile in waiting for them to explain what we will be doing next. Right as Four and Eric get to the front of the group the door opens and all the dauntless borns come barreling in. Tori goes to stand with the other instructors while the dauntless forms a second group separate from us.

"Stage 2 is going to be a lot harder than stage one. In stage one we tested how hard we could push your physical state, but stage two is going to push your mental strength; we will push you to your breaking point." Four start to explain.

"You will be given a serum that we will inject into your neck then from there you will experience a dream-like state that will feel real. You will not be able to tell the difference between being awake or in the system just like when you took your faction test." He pauses for us to absorb the information and to see if we have questions.

"Unlike the faction test where we choose what you saw, you will be experiencing your worst fears this time. On average a person will experience 10-15 fears some of you will have more or less it just depends on the person. The record for the least amount of fears is four so you might get lucky." He finishes.

"The goal of this training is to get you to face your fears. So you are expected to get through your fears as fast and as efficiently as you can. So, be brave and think like dauntless." Eric quickly explained.

"Now that you understand what you will be doing, we will be giving you a demonstration. Tori was kind enough to volunteer to let you work through some of her fears just so you guys can get the feel of what you will be doing." Four told us with Tori looking grim behind him.

"King your first." Eric called.

"OOh you have a new name 'king'." Pax whispered over my shoulder.

I jumped a little not realizing he was right behind me. I then glare as he and some other people snicker at the nickname.

I started to head to the front when Orion and Jax moved to the side.

"Your highness." Orion says with a bow mocking me.

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