Chapter 36: Husband & Wife

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My eyes crack open to the early morning sun.My eyes squint at the blinding rays of light that are shining through. It felt like any other morning as I just layed there on the couch and bathed in the morning sunlight. It was peaceful listening to the silence of the morning, but this quiet morning was unusual because by this time Eric usually would be up and getting ready for his day of work, but all I heard was silence. Was he doing the same thing as me? Just laying there thinking about what today will be like and how our whole lives will change after today.

I continued to let the time tick by as I watched the sun rise high in the sky when finally I heard movement come from the bedroom. I continued to lay there silently listening to him shuffle around like I've done every other morning. I listen to him walk around, I listen to him ruffle through his clothes. I hear the door open as he makes his way to the bathroom, and when I hear the shower start I finally decide to get up.

I mindlessly make my coffee as my mind drifts to my thoughts. I think about my parents and how happy they seemed together and all the other couples of amity. Could we ever be like that?

I continued to let my mid run as I took sips of coffee not realizing that the shower had shut off until I heard footsteps approaching. I turn to see Eric in nothing but a towel; water dripping off his big muscular body and his hair...

"What?" Eric asked, annoyed as he walked closer looking for something.

My brain froze. I didn't mean to stare let alone get caught.

My face lit up as I tried to avoid eye contact. " Oh um... There's coffee." I made as my pitiful attempt to pretend I wasn't just checking him out. " If you want some."

He just nodded as he finally found what he was looking for and made his way back into the room.

"I'm so stupid." I whispered as I smacked my forehead.

And with my previously dirty thoughts a new one popped into my head. Where we expected to kiss?

Wait! Or even... My face burnt red with my wild thoughts.

What am I even going to wear? What do Dauntless people wear to a wedding?

In amity weddings were a big deal the whole faction attended, Everyone is always happy to support their fellow people. The groom always wore his best clothes and the bride would be dressed like a beautiful princess like in these fairy tale stories. I shutter at the thought of all the weddings I was forced to go to at a young age.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear Eric exit the room and looked up to see him enter the kitchen. As he grabbed a cup of coffee I looked him up and down trying to gauge his outfits to what I should wear. He had on black pants with a long blank sleeve shirt a little different from what he usually wears but still basic. His hair was combed back into his normal style.

"Take a picture, it would last longer." I hear him mutter over his mug.

My already red face turned hot from the embarrassment. I quickly walked to my small clothes pile and started ruffling through them. I could feel Eric silently watching as I did so; I finally found what I was looking for.The Sexy black dress that I got when I first went clubbing with Pax. That Night I had gotten in trouble with Eric just like I continue to do; how fitting to wear it today of all days.

I turned slightly to see Eric's face to see what he thought about the dress but he looked out of it like he was lost in thought as he zoned out on the dress until he caught my eyes.

"I'm going to be in my office so when you're ready for 'this' just find me there." Eric quickly told me as he walked out of the apartment as fast as he possible could, leaving me to get ready.

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