Chapter 29: What's Up Doc

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As I stand in the doorway of his apartment I take a deep painful breath in and figure out what happens next. I walked past the kitchen island and set my box on top of its dark counters. The counters matched the cabinets and the dark stainless steel fridge he had. I slowly made my way to the comfy looking leather couch across the room. I slowly lowered myself on the couch trying to catch my breath from running after Eric and to pass the time I took a good look at everything around me.

I found all possible escape routes, everything that can be used as a weapon, and I took in the beauty of his dark apartment.Down the hall was just two doors one was shut which I assume is his bedroom the other looked to be a bathroom. Just across from the couch I sat on were bookshelves filled with books and they were neatly put away. Next to the shelves was a wall filled with windows going from floor to ceiling. They looked out over the land; I knew we took a lot of stairs but I didn't realize we were this high up. I just wish it was day time so I could feel the sun. I breathe in a shallow sigh thinking about the beautiful sun and the heat that followed.

I could feel myself falling back into the couch and molding right into the cloud like material. You think for leather it would be cold but It felt so warm. Next thing I know my eyes glued shut and I didnt even think about prying them open as I fell into bliss.

It felt like seconds had passed before I could feel myself being shaken awake. My eyes slowly cracked open and it felt like my head was pounding; I could feel a cold sweat forming on my skin and in my disoriented haze of trying to figure out where I am. I came face to face with my husband to be.

He looked very disgruntled about what I don't know. Maybe it's because the person he is forced to marry is passed out on his couch feeling like she could die.

"What?" I muttered out confused as to why he was just staring.

"Do you have a fever?" He rudely askes.

"No." I told him a little too quickly.

I close my eyes trying to fall back to sleep. He was quiet for a second then I felt him tap my shoulder lightly.

"Come on get up."

"No!" I groan out. "I don't feel like it." I defy like a child.

If I'm being honest I don't feel good. I think I do have a fever and I don't want to move knowing I'm weak. But I won't let him know that. I can't let him catch me in my weakness.

"Why?Hmm? Maybe it's because you know you don't feel good and you're trying to pretend you're fine." He revealed my secret; He knew this whole time, and was just seeing what I would do.

I slowly get up trying not to hurt anything else more than it already was.

"Nope! see I'm fine." I tell him weakly holding my ribs. " Now that I'm up, what do you want?"

I watch as he starts to walk down the hall where the rooms are. I just stare at him in confusion. What did he just not want me sitting on his couch? I started to get really angry just standing here thinking of all the reasons he wanted me to get up, then he turned around and noticed I was still in the same spot unmoved.

"Well are you coming?" He growls out irritated.

I slowly make my way over to where he was standing and watch as he enters the bedroom. I peak around the corner and just watch him stand in the middle of what looks to be his bedroom. It was very clean; no messy clothes piled anywhere. He had a big window just right across from the door covered in dark gray curtains that would keep out the light. I'm sure if you could see out the window it would be just as pretty of a view as the living room.

In my time at peeking at his room from the corner I completely forgot that Eric was waiting for me to follow him in the room and I heard him let out a big sigh.

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