Chapter 34: The Names King

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I didn't want to wake up. I for once in my life just wanted to do nothing to be nothing. I just laid awake on his couch silently staring out the windows in his apartment watching as the sun rises with the rest of the world. I listened to the shuffling and movement of Eric as he got ready for his day, but I still didn't even have the energy to move. I hear his door open as he walks this way to go get his morning coffee like he does every morning. I hear him enter the kitchen and open cabinets until he just stops and goes silent.

"Why aren't you up yet?"

I just ignored him, not even bothering to come up with a response.

"Get up. We have to get going." he states.


I hear the cabinet slam shut

"Fine then act like a child. The world doesn't revolve around you! So when you're done throwing your tantrum, come find me for your job!" He yells at me from across the room.

I lessened as he stops around the apartment gathering what he needs before he opens the door, but he pauses.

"And don't forget you have your Doctor's appointment today. Tantrum or not it's not optional. I want your report on my desk by the end of the day!" He shouted out as he slammed the door very hard that everything on the wall shook, but now I'm just left in silence except for my own mind running with thoughts.

After a couple hours the sun was fully raised and it shined in lighting up the whole space. I just continued to lay there unmoved thinking, but I decided I better just get up and get this day over with already.

I drag my body out of my makeshift bed and the warmth it provided only to throw on my clothes just so i can go to this stupid Dr. Appointment. I had made it to the infirmary but I don't really remember the walk here. It was like I was just stuck inside my own head. I saw everyone moving and talking but I just felt stuck.

"Ms. King ... Ms. King." I was knocked out of my trance and turned to face the person.

"Ms. King, are you alright?" the Dr. asked with concern.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Well how have you been? Any pain, discomfort or problems?" he continued to question.

"Nope i'm all good as new." I said in my sarcastic tone annoyed with this appointment.

"Well I'm assuming you have been taking it easy since Eric hasn't given me any other report on your healing." he said.

I could feel the nerve between my brows twitch in irritation "Yeah" I grounded out.

"That's good to hear. I'm just going to do my check up and you should be good to go." He pulled out his stethoscope and started listening to my heart. He then moved it over my lungs.

"Breath in ... breath out." I did as he asked. And he wrote some stuff on my charts before he sat down facing me again.

"It looks like everything has healed nicely and you are in good health."

"Yeah no shit." I muttered under my breath, but I guess he heard.

He gave me a very stern look and it showed me why he's a Dr. for dauntless. "You are cleared to go back to your regular activities, however; just because you're healed doesnt mean go be reckless so try to be careful." He warned as he glared at me. "I will be sending your progress reports to the leaders to officially release you for physical work."

"Fan-fucking-tastic." I abruptly stood up and walked out annoyed.

"Goodbye Ms. King ." He said, sounding a little unhappy.

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