Chapter 4: Ding Dong Dash

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Kaiya POV

"Thanks for inviting me to the studio Ran-chan!" I smiled.

"It's no problem! Thank you for watching Conan-kun when we were busy." Ran replied. Well... I don't think Conan is the one that needs a babysitter. I looked over at Kogoro chatting happily with Yoko Okino.

"It was fun watching Yoko-san's show." I said. Kogoro went on TV with Yoko earlier and Ran needed to help him prepare.

"We were lucky that the national holiday fell on the same day as the commercial so we were able to watch 'Morning Live 7'." Ran told Conan.

"Uh yeah" Conan laughed. Suddenly our stomachs grumbled.

"Oh we haven't had breakfast yet!" Ran realized. We had to rush to the studio early in the morning.

"Do you want to eat at the cafeteria in the studio?" Yoko offered.

"Oh that would be great!" Kogoro accepted.

"Please go on ahead without me. I have a friend I want you to meet and I need to call her first." Yoko pulled out her cellphone. Conan stared at her with a scared look while my eyes widened. This case already? I put my hand under my chin. Let's see I've been in this world for about two and a half weeks...

"Conan-kun, Kaiya-chan what's the matter?" Ran broke our thoughts.

"No, it's nothing." Conan reassured her, and we went to the cafeteria first.


"Mouri-san! Yoko waved, walking beside another woman with dark wavy hair in a ponytail. Rena Mizunashi!

"Yes!" Kogoro sung.

"This is Rena Mizunashi, the newscaster." Yoko said.

"Nice to meet you." Rena bowed.

"Hey aren't you a newscaster on Sunday nights?" Kogoro asked.

"Yoko-chan... are you really going to ask the famous detective about that?" Rena looked at Yoko doubtfully.

"It's okay! I'm sure Mori-san will be helpful." Yoko pushed Rena closer to Kogoro.

"Is there a problem?" Kogoro questioned.


"Ding dong dash?" Kogoro yelled and the other guests in the cafeteria turned in our direction. "You are asking me to find that culprit?" he pointed to himself.

"See I told you it was rude." Rena turned to Yoko.

"But it doesn't seem like they were ordinary pranks..." Yoko trailed off.

"What are the details of the case Rena-san?" I asked. Rena explained that a mysterious person kept ringing her doorbell every Saturday morning and left a bottle of pills. She always opened the door immediately when the doorbell rang, but she couldn't see anyone. She offered to take us to her apartment to investigate.


"There's no place to hide behind the door." Conan remarked.

"Let's test it by ringing the doorbell." Rena suggested and closed the door. Kogoro rang the doorbell and Rena opened it, accidentally squishing Kogoro.

"Are you alright?" Rena asked concerned.

"Yea." Kogoro rubbed his face. I tried to stifle my laughter.

"At least we now know that there is not enough time to hide." Conan chirped.

"Tch brat." Kogoro retorted.

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