Chapter 32: PSB vs Kaito Kid Part III

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Kaiya POV

"Eh? We're not allowed to be here?!" Ran, Sonoko, Azuza and I pouted.

"Sorry, about that, but Kaito Kid could easily disguise as you guys." Nakamori explained. "You'll have to watch us catch Kaito Kid through the security cameras." he apologized.

"Wait a moment please, he won't disguise as Kaiya, I'm sure of it." Saguru piped up. "It won't be a problem if she comes right?"

"Well if you say so, then..." Nakamori hesistated but allowed me to watch.

"Saguru... thank you" I smiled.

"You seem more excited about this than me though." he sighed.

"It's not like that...Kaito Kid is cool... but part of what makes this exciting... is also watching you solve these mysteries." I grinned.

"Ahem." Conan cleared his throat.

"Don't worry, I enjoy watching you solve mysteries too Conan-kun!" I reassured him.


I turned around as Amuro and Kazami arrived. "Eh? You guys are here as well?" I blinked. What is the PSB doing here?

"Mori-sensei asked me be his assistant and help the Kid-Killer (Conan) catch Kaito Kid..." Amuro gave a fake smile. Kazami also explained to Jirokichi that he was inspecting the place since the Queen would visit in a few days.

"Is that really true?" I crossed my arms doubtfully. Ran looked at Amuro confused as well.

"Please just roll with it." Amuro whispered.

Afterwards, Ran and the others left while Jirokichi pinched everyone to make sure that they weren't Kaito Kid in disguise.

"Ouch..." Saguru and I rubbed our cheeks in pain. Jirokichi didn't have to pinch that hard -_-


A policeman suddenly came towards us, holding up a phone with a message from Kaito Kid. "At midnight tonight, when you are all escaping reality in your daydreams, I shall sharply cut off the "Queen's Bang" Enjoy the show..."

"Kid's gonna put us to sleep! Prepare enough masks for everyone!" Nakamori ordered.

"Yes sir." the policeman replied.

"I'll help as well!" I offered.

"I shall stay behind and look over the schematics of the building." Saguru told me.


"So, are you really gonna put us all to sleep?" I asked the policeman.

"What do you mean?" he pretended to be confused.

"You can stop faking it now, Kaito." I deadpanned.

"You got me." he threw his hands in the air. "All I will say is to prepare enough masks."

"Alright, but this time it's too risky to disguise as me since Saguru is here." I explained.

"Pshh I was right there and he didn't even notice me." he laughed as we entered the storage room where the masks were. "Well tada! I shall see you later tonight at midnight." Kaito saluted and disappeared, leaving only the policeman gear behind. How does he even do that??!!!

Jeez now I have to carry all these masks back to the main room alone *sigh* And there's not even enough for everyone.


"If Kid attempts open the case with the jewelry, the ceiling above will come down." Jirokichi explained.

Conan, Amuro, Kazami, and Saguru looked deep in thought, looking for flaws in the defense system.

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