Chapter 19: The Crow's Talons

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Karasuna POV

*has a violent fit of coughs*

"Karasuna-san!" my assistant exclaimed worriedly, and handed me my medicine.

"I don't have much time left. This body is too frail." I rasped. "I need that rejuvinating drug."

"I'm afraid that's impossible. The creators of the drug have all but perished, and Sherry betrayed us." my assistant pointed out. "Apotoxin is far from perfected."

"Then we must recruit other scientists at all costs to continue the development of Apotoxin. Order Rum to send out a talent search." I instructed.

"Right away, sir." my assistant replied.

"In the meantime, please show me the list of Apotoxin victims." I told my assistant, who handed me a file. "Shinichi Kudo and Mary Sera are marked deceased, but their bodies have not been identified yet?"

"No, not yet sir." my assistant replied. Unbeknownst to Karasuna, Vermouth marked both of them deceased.

"There's one more place I would like to investigate." I told my assistant to take me to Sherry's previous cell.

"It's quite puzzling how she escaped." my assistant said. "The door was locked, and only a child could squeeze through the vent on the floor."

A child's body.... I have my theories but I won't believe it until I see it with my own eyes.


Kaiya POV

(the next day at school)

"Eh? It was Shinichi who solved the case?" Ran exclaimed.

"Yeah, he did." I affirmed.

"According to Detective Takagi, Conan-kun phoned him and he deduced the case immediately." Sonoko elaborated.

"But still, what did that person mean by 'we'll see each other soon'" before we left?" Ran asked.

"Alright, everyone be seated." our Sensei entered the room. "I would like to introduce someone who will be joining our class, Sera-san!" Sera entered wearing the standard Teitan High blazer and skirt.

"I'm Masumi Sera. Nice to meet you all." Sera bowed.

"Sera-san is a girl?!" Sonoko and Ran exclaimed in disbelief.

"What a coincidence we are all going to the same school!" Sera plopped her bag on the desk next to mine and gave a toothy grin.

"Yup!" I gave her a close eyed smile. A total coincidence for sure.

The other students began to ask Masumi about her hobbies, and she introduced herself as a Jeet Kune Do user and a female detective. 


(after school)

"Ne Kaiya-chan you like biochemistry?" Masumi peeked into the organic chemistry book I was holding in the science section of the library. "Oh isn't that the science competition flyer the teacher handed out today?" she pointed to the paper next to me.

"Yeah, I want to participate in the competition! I wonder who it's hosted by though." I studied the flyer.

"What type of drug design are you working on?" Masumi suddenly became very interested in my work. Phew my other notes on Apotoxin were in my backpack. Haibara wanted me to do some research for her since she couldn't access the high school library.

"I'm not quite sure yet, but I'm just reading about proteins." I answered. "I do have to come up with an idea soon though, because for whatever reason, there is only a short timespan before the project entries are due."

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