Chapter 35: Sports Day

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Kaiya POV

(at school)

"As you all know, Sports Day is coming, and I want you all to do your best!" our sensei announced.

"What's Sports Day?" I whispered to Ran, who was sitting next to me.

"Eh? You don't know?" Sonoko blinked. "It's a sports competition between different classes at school."

"This year, it will be different as our school will have a joint competition with Ekoda High School" our sensei continued.

Ekoda High School... does that mean he will be there too?

"Kaiya" Masumi lightly bonked me on the head with her textbook. "Whatcha spacing out for? Sensei just dismissed us."

"She had such a dreamy look on her face." Ran laughed lightly.

"Now that I recall, doesn't that Saguru Hakuba guy attend Ekoda High School?" Sonoko wore a smug expression.

"W-What are you talking about, Sonoko? Why would I ever think about that detective freak?" I turned away slightly embarrased.


(next day)

"Akai-san, are you going on a mission?" I asked during breakfast, noticing the packed bags by the door.

"It seems that I'll be gone for a few days." Shuichi glanced up from a stack of papers. "Will you be alright alone?"

I nodded. "I can also go to Dr. Agasa's place if necessary. Umm do you think you'll be back by next Wednesday?" I asked.

"I'll try to return as soon as I can. Is there something important happening that day?" he wanted to know.

"Ah it's nothing..." I trailed off glancing at a digital flier for a school event for families on my phone. It's probably too risky for Shuichi to come anyways... "I-I'll be heading off to school now."

The Kudos were away on a business trip as well...


(after school)

"Are you excited for Sports Day?" Sonoko asked as we packed up our belongings.

"Well... I asked Dad and Mom to come, but I don't know..." Ran said. "I wonder if Shinichi will come..."

"My parents can't come since they're uh overseas..." I replied sheepishly.

"Neither can mine." Masumi explained.

"Still... let's go look at the team assignments." I suggested.

"Kaiya, Masumi!" Sonoko pointed. "Look, you guys will be representing the class in the relay race!" Sonoko slammed a piece of paper on the desk. "And Ran has a solo sprint race!" We looked at each happily when we saw our names on the roster.


(at Agasa's house)

"You guys sure seem excited!" I carried a tray of snacks for the detective boys into the living room.

"Sports Day is coming up!" Ayumi cheered.

"Oh right, you guys have your event the day after mine, right?" I looked at the flyer they were passing around.

"Can we come watch yours?" Genta asked.

"I want to come too!" Mitsuhiko and Ayumi insisted.

"Might as well." Haibara said, and Conan nodded.


(later that night)

I closed my textbook and stared out the window at the night sky.

Transport Into Detective Conan (OC Reader Insert)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora