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Ariana's pov

I was summoned by The King to his chamber. He never called me like this. What's the problem now? Now i was in front of his Majesty's chamber

"Your majesty, the princess arrived" the guard informed my arrival

"Let her in"

I heard my father's no no the King's voice. I entered in and bowed to show respect

"Ohh you came"

This is the first time he talked to me softly. My eyes scanned the room, i saw a young women in his bed sitting shamelessly half naked. I took a breath and asked

"Your majesty, is there something you need to tell me" I asked in hurry as i don't want to stay here, seeing his face make me sick

" tommorrow is your 18th birthday, do you remember" he asked making me realise that tommorrow is my birthday i forgot it.

"Your majesty, i do remember"

"I have got a gift for you"
What! a gift, is he planning to kill me or what

" I got a marriage proposal for you and tommorrow is your wedding" what is happening here i'm getting married, what is happening here, i can't marry, i don't want to go to another hell.

"Your majesty, can i know whom i am going to marry" i asked knowing there is no way to escape.

" he is from our neighbor kingdom, he is the 5th prince of Gaveria" Gaveria, i heard it is the most powerful kingdom, means my father is selling me in exchange of power.

"You may leave now, i'm busy"
I bowed my head and left. I went into my chamber and sat in my bed. I saw the door opening, clara came in running. Clara is my maid, she is the only one who treat me as a pricess, my father never loved me. My mother died when i am just 4 years old. My mother suicided because of my father, he wanted a boy child not girl, even though he have other daughter's as well but their mother gave brith to many princes, my mother couldn't get pregnant after she gave birth to me. His Majesty started treating my mother as a trash, he sold her many times to his brothers, to the noble men's, to some rich merchant's who came here to trade.

After my mother left no one was here to take care of me, at that time my mother's sister lucy came as a maid, she took care of me until i am 15. His majesty raped and killed her, after she died Clara came, Clara is her daughter she was the one who took care of me after lucy died. Clara is 3 years elder than me.

"My lady i heard you are going to get married that too tommorrow, is that true" Clara asked panting

"Yes its true" i told looking down

"Do you know whom you are going marry"

" he is 5th prince of Gaveria" i said painly

"My Lady, Do you know anything about him, he is a devil, He never cared for anyone,  people says he is son of a devil as his mother had an affair but she died after giving birth to him. There is no war which he didn't win, he is very cold blooded and don't care for anyone"

"Clara you are scaring me"

"My Lady, i didn't mean to scare you but this is truth, i heard a lot about him"

i hummed in response

"Clara i want to spend some time alone, can you leave"

"As you wish my lady"

Clara bowed and left. I stared at her leaving figure. I went to garden and sat on the grass.

In my entire life, i have been preparing myself for this, i knew my father will use me as a tool to get power, my life is a living hell, now its going to get worse. A man will have several wive's and Mistress.

A woman can't do anything about this, she just have please her husband and other mens whom her husband says and watch her husband married other womens.

I have two sisters, both are elder than me for 4 years. One of them is unmarried and one of them is married to Gaveria. Both hates me alot. The king of Gaveria and his majesty have a good relation that's why his majesty is getting me married to the prince of Gaveria, i never saw the man whom i am going to marry, if my sister's husband going to marry me then My life is going to be hell.

I am going to lose my innocence. I wish he didn't torture me. I am getting married to a kingdom were only lust found. I wish i could just die.

I took my flute from my
And brought it near my lips, soon i started to play it, my eyes instantly got shut, i could feel the cold breeze touching my body.


I studied myself in the mirror as these maids are doing my hair putting tons of makeup to make me more beautiful than i am. I am wearing a white and golden dress. My dark brown long hair was combed back and they made it like a flower or what, well its really beautiful. The make up was a lot i didn't liked it, i am wearing golden jeweleries and its really heavy, i really hates this

I descended the stairs carefully not to fall down or stumble, i let out a breathe when i descended the stairs, my feets are hurting while wearing these heels.

My father rolled his eyes when he saw me, he eyed me where to sit. I sat there looking down. I can smell alchohol in the atmosphere. The door burst open, i looked up a tall man with his thick long black raven hairs till his waist, he is from royality thats clear from his appearance, he have a strong aura. He came and stood in front of my father

"Your majesty" he said but my father just eyed towards me means he is going to marry me. He is very fearless man, he didn't even bowed to my father, no one dared to do that with a king. He sat beside me. He didn't even looked at me. The maids came with our wedding rings, he slided a beautiful golden ring with a red stone on its top. I too slided a ring to his finger. When he touched me i am feeling sick and feeling like my body is heated up. We are married now, exchanging rings means getting married in our tradition. Musicians and dancers came to entertain guests. My father glared at me, indicating to look down, ohh how can i forget that i am a women

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