How To Be Ace

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Ok so at my school it's pretty supportive of LGBTQ+ and that's great. However, there isn't really much in the way of queer representation.


I recently had Covid for a second time (fun I know) and while I was off my friends found a book in the school library called "How To Be Ace". Now I don't need to tell you that it's about asexuality because you didn't come for book recommendations, you came for ace stuff, but my friends at first didn't think much of it except you know it's ace like asexual. When they went back to the book the next day, however, it turns out it was literally a book about growing up asexual.

So now I'm back in school and I borrowed the book and started reading it and it's basically a comic book about someone's discovery of being an autistic asexual.

It's great and the cover looks like this if anyone wants to find it:

It's great and the cover looks like this if anyone wants to find it:

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Anyway. As a teen, I basically just want to say that I feel so incredibly lucky to have found the label asexual so quickly because the things that asexual people go through when they don't know what asexuality is are awful and I wish that it wasn't like this.

Being aromantic also applies to a lot of this, but the book is about asexuality so I focused on that.

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