Chapter 9 : So what now?

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Avengers' POV

They were all gathered in the conference room at Natasha's request.

"Thank you for coming

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"Thank you for coming. I called this meeting because we have some news about the Death Giver mission." began Nat once everyone was seated. "We found it." She added which surprised everyone except Steve who was looking at her begging her to look him in the eye. But Nat was doing everything to avoid his gaze.

"Really?" asked Fury.

Where? Who? How? When?" were the main questions everyone was asking, and they weren't giving Nat time to answer any of them.

"Should we prepare to face it? Are they dangerous?" asked Clint, gaining everyone's attention. Although it was quickly diverted to Nat.

"No need, we already have it" replied Natasha.

The Avengers were all confused and asked for clarification, this time letting her speak. Natasha looked into Steve's eyes, Steve was worried unlike Nat whose face was neutral and showed no emotion.

"To answer your question Clint, yes, Death Giver is dangerous, we already know that. But it turned out to be quite easy to capture. Even though -" said Natasha but was interrupted by Tony

"'Capture it'?" asked a surprised Tony.

"Yes Tony, Death Giver is a girl. And you are the one who allowed her to have a room with us." replied agent Romanoff. This confused all the Avengers except Steve. Leaving them doubtful for a few minutes.

But suddenly, Tony realized.

"Y/N?" shouted Tony, shocked. Natasha nodded.

"Wait, wait, you're saying that the frail, fragile girl we captured a month and a half ago is the fucking HYDRA agent we've been looking for for two years and who killed several of our agents?" asked Clint, Natasha nodded again. "And you're telling me that right now she's chilling in one of OUR rooms? She's having the time of her life without a care in the world! She's been playing it safe all along! Maybe she was planning to be captured and her mission is to infiltrate here, get close to us, find information about us and Shield and then kill us! We haven't seen anything and everything is going great for her!" finished Clint shouting towards the end. He stood with his fist on the table and ready to walk out of the room and put an arrow in Y/n's head.

"Don't jump to conclusions, Agent Barton. Calm down and stay seated." ordered Fury, looking him straight in the eye. Clint complied.

"Now Agent Romanoff, can you explain to us why you think the girl you found in this base is the agent we believe her to be?" asked Fury.

"Steve and I talked to her earlier, after J.A.R.V.I.S. told us she was in trouble. She admitted to us that she had a nightmare and remembered her father on the day they would have both been separated, two years ago. Being aware that she had already had several nightmares, we wanted to know more, especially since she mentioned the name Hydra herself. She told us that she didn't know anything special about them. Then I asked her if she knew Death Giver and she seemed shocked and surprised that I said that name. Then she confessed that in some of her nightmares, one of the men called her by that name. Knowing that her nightmares are memories of her life that are resurfacing, I deduced that she was indeed that person," explained agent Romanoff without showing any emotion on her face, which annoyed Steve immensely.

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